February 12, 2018

Still Me by Jojo Moyes

Michael Joseph | January 2018 | 480 pgs
Source: Purchased

If you've read Me Before You and After You, you'll be familiar with Louisa Clark and this book continues her story, in which she left for New York from London to work with the wealthy Gopniks family. Although this book still read as a stand-alone, I'd suggest you start with Me Before You first for the backstory so you'd have a better understanding while reading this book. 

To avoid any spoilers for readers who haven't read Me Before You and After You (in which why I didn't link up my reviews but you may search for them on my blog homepage if you're interested), my review for this book will be vague but I'd share my thoughts and how this book made me feel without revealing too much details. 

Louisa Clark has changed so much the last I read her from Me Before Me; and with each book she becomes a better person yet she is who she is deep down. In this book, it is all about people's connections (no matter if it's long distance or the neighbours living in a posh apartment building) and also about following one's dreams. Here, we also read about the mega wealthy people and their lifestyle, as well as their mentality and insights on a few certain things, like friendship and of course, what power and money could do to right the wrongs, in some way or another depending on one's perspective. 

I especially liked the second part of the story, whereby Louisa interacts with an elderly woman who is a bit grumpy yet generous in so many ways. She also has a pup named Dean Martin, which she dotes on him like a baby. As much as I loved Me Before You (which will always remains as my favourite), I find the strength of this book is about not losing yourself while finding a new you. I loved how this book made me laugh, cry and inspire me in so manys. A must-read for all the romantics and for anyone who needs a uplifting read. 

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  1. I loved Me Before You, but haven't read any of the follow-up books. I'm glad you found this one an uplifting read!

    1. Jenclair - I wonder if there'll be more Louisa's stories in the near future. Hmm.

  2. I’ve wondered about these continuing stories. Nice to know they’re good too.

    1. Jenny - I enjoyed all of them. I've to check out her other books, too.

  3. Glad you enjoyed this one! :)

  4. Not sure if Me Before You and After You is for me. I keep hearing mixed things about it. I do want to watch the movie. When I decide to give Me Before You and After You a try and love it, I will try this one aswell.

    1. Nina - I haven't even watched the movie! I'm a bit worried it wouldn't do the book justice. ;p

  5. I'ms so glad to hear you liked this one! I didn't like After You very much mainly because of one character who got on my nerves! I'm hoping this one, being that it brings in new characters, etc. will make me connect with Louisa again!

    1. Iliana - I hope you'll enjoy this one, Iliana. Looking forward to your thoughts on it. :)

  6. I loved both the book and movie of Me Before You. I recommend the movie. I tried reading After You and it was a DNF I wished I had stopped with book 1 but you have piqued my attention again.

    1. Marce - I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the movie, Marce. After You was an OK read to me but this one was better IMO.


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