March 11, 2019

It Ends With Her by Brianna Labuskes

Amazon Publishing | October 2018 | 300 pgs
Source: Library

FBI special agent Clarke Sinclair has been searching for serial killer, Simon Cross, for years. Simon has his "rules" when it comes to his victims. First off, they've to be redheaded women. And as a tease to Clarke and her partner, Sam, he'd send pictures he'd travelled across the country as "clues"; but of course he's always a few steps ahead and as if to goad them, he'd only target for his next victim until Clarke discovers the previous one. Clark is still searching for his latest victim, Anna, when news that another girl has gone missing; this time around she's a blonde instead of a redhead. 

Clarke knew it's Simon's work and that his MO has changed considering that the boyfriend of the blonde woman has gave them an account of a man who'd approached them before Bess disappeared thereafter. Needless to say, Clarke is perplexed over the change and it seems like the clues he continues to send is messing up her mind. As Clarke races against time to track him down, she soon realises that the closer she gets to the truth, the deeper she falls into his trap and that what's all happened may end it with her. 

Ah. What to say about this book? I've mixed reactions with it so let me start off by saying what appealed to me first. I liked the author's writing style. I also have to say I'm a fan of multiple narratives (just not too many to confuse me) and an alternative timeline so this book had my attention because it has three narrators and the timeline alternating between the 90s and 2018. The past tells the story of Simon Cross when he was merely an eleven-year-old boy and his relationship with a seven-year-old girl called Adelaide. They were both foster children to a couple. The present 2018 was focused more on the banter between Clarke and Sam, and not to mention their tracking of Simon. 

Onto my other reaction. I guess I wasn't that connected with Clarke despite she was an intriguing character. I didn't mind her flaws, but she seemed a little self-loathe and carried too much emotional baggage. Her banter with Sam showed a side of their mentor/mentee relationship, but it became repetitive at times. The twist and the ending didn't really surprise me, but I thought it was still good. I'd still recommend this book if you go for intriguing characterisation and a layered story. 

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  1. Thanks for sharing with us about this book, Melody. I've considered reading it and I think the author maybe has a new book just out as well. I'm not a big fan of that cover - know that doesn't really matter, but somehow, it isn't appealing to me. Ha!

    1. Kay - I didn't know that she has a new book out. Now I need to check it out; plus I'm curious about the cover. ;)

  2. Do you think you'd read this author again?

    1. Lark - Most likely I will if the premise interest me.

  3. If you'd give the author another chance, I might try this one. There are many authors whose books don't give the best first impression, but are worth further exploration. There are a couple of series in which the first book I read put me off, but I ended up enjoying later books.

    1. Jenclair - I totally agree with you on that, Jenclair. :)

  4. I am glad you liked this one, Melody, even if not loved it. I haven't heard too much about this one, but it does sound interesting.

    1. Wendy - She's a new-to-me author and I'll be interested to see what's her next book is.


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