I snag this from Marg's blog. This is way too cool! And I can't wait for this fantasy movie to be released in December. You may wish to learn about the movie and get your own Daemon at their website over here. Here's mine:

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4 Responses
  1. Darla Says:

    Oooh, very cool, Melody!

  2. Marg Says:

    Very nice! We spent at least half an hour this morning trying to do this on the computers at work but couldn't for some reason!

  3. Unknown Says:

    very cool. Ill share this with brother in law

    thanks for signing up for the scavenger hunt...we are having a blast

  4. Debi Says:

    I didn't know they were making this into a movie. My daughter just finished the book 2 days ago, and absolutely loved it...she's going to be mighty excited!

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