ISBN: 9780007314362
Publisher: HarperCollins
Published: May 2009
360 pgs

I had read several tales about faeries, but to read one with a botanical twist is entirely a new experience to me. And this is what Wings is about.

Fifteen-year-old Laurel looks like an ordinary girl to anyone, but beneath all she is actually a faery whose duty is to guard the gateways to Avalon from the evil trolls along with a few other faeries.

However, she does not know about her true identity and she went on her life as per normal. Though she has a strange habit of consuming nothing but vegetables, fuits and sugared drinks, she and her adoptive parents dismissed it as one own's eating preference and nothing more. Being homeschooled all her life, she is both excited and terrified during her first day as a sophomore at Del Norte High School when they moved to Crescent City. But the most wonderful thing is, she gets through it and get to know a great looking boy named David. They became good friends quickly, and it is no surprise that they are attracted to each other too.

All things looks good to Laurel until she discovered a zit behind her back, and it grew at a terrifying speed until she is shocked to find what resembles a blossom is growing on her back. Desperate and feeling helpless, she turns to David as she felt she trusted him and considering that he has an interest for biology. But that is not all, Laurel's father soon becomes very sick and her mother is considering of selling their property in Orick and it is also at that moment that she meets Tamani, who is actually a faery like her and is a sentry guarding the gateways. However, he has reasons being a sentry. One reason is he is guardian to Laurel and he has strong feelings towards her.

Laurel soon find out about her identity but what really threatens her is she has to face the evil troll who managed to entice her mother into selling their property in Orick which is a gateway to Avalon, and the fact that her father is on the brink of death that is caused by the troll who wanted to get ahold of their property. Now Laurel must risk her life in preventing their property from falling into the wrong hands and saving her father, and alas deciding where her heart belongs - in Crescent City or Avalon.

I have to admit I had a great time flipping through the pages, though the first few chapters reminded me a little from the Twilight Saga. But I was most absolutely fascinated by the faeries origin (from plants) and reading about their life and how they pollinate is utterly refreshing.

There is nothing too complex about the characters though, but I wish there are more depths to the characters and the chemistry between Laurel and David is not as great as I had first anticipated. But I will not make the judgement too quickly considering this is the first installment, and whether or not Laurel chooses to be with David or Tamani still remains a mystery.

All in all, this is an entertaining debut and I am definitely looking forward for more.

Other reviews:
(Let me know if I missed yours.)
16 Responses
  1. Violet Says:

    I have wanting to reads Wings since I saw the cover and knew it's about fairies.(that would be the second cover). Glad to know the book is just as good.

    P.S: I love the author name, very fantasy like :)

  2. Beth F Says:

    This one interests me, but I love fantasy.

  3. valentina Says:

    It sounds like a nice and light read, which doesn't ask to be anything else than that. I wouldn't mind reading it if it'll cross my road:)

  4. Alice Says:

    Thanks for the review, Melody! I'll keep this in my wish list and will check if the library has it. :)

  5. Iliana Says:

    Glad you enjoyed this one Melody. I was curious to hear about it after you posted a teaser from it! :)

    Looks like a fun read so I'll have to keep it in mind for when I want some fantasy reading!

  6. Melody Says:

    Violet - I hope you'll enjoy this book if you get to it! I love the name of the author too! ;)

    Beth - I love fantasy!

    Valentina - It's a nice and fun read! I'm definitely looking forward to the next installment!

    Alice - I hope you'll find this book in your library soon! :)

    Iliana - I'm glad I got you guys enticed with that teaser, hehe. ;P

  7. The Bookworm Says:

    I really like that first book cover, very pretty.
    Wings sounds like a good read.

  8. Honestly, I'm not sure what to think of this book after reading your review! :) Sounds very strange...but also a little bit intriguing. I'll have to look into it a little more.

  9. Melody Says:

    Naida - Both covers are pretty! The UK version has a shimmery touch so I find it quite special.

    Trish - I wish I could explain more without giving away too much!! :P The story is indeed intriguing, and I'm definitely curious to find out what'd happen next in the second book!

  10. Ana S. Says:

    It's too bad it wasn't as good as it could have been characters-wise, but it still sounds like a very fun read!

  11. Debi Says:

    This definitely does sound like a fun read!

  12. I agree with the others, this sounds like a fun book to read. I am glad you enjoyed it, Melody! I will have to look for it.

  13. Melody Says:

    Nymeth - I'm definitely hoping the sequel will be better!

    Debi - Yep! I hope the second book is as fun as this. :)

    Wendy - I'm glad you'll be looking out for this book. I hope you'll like it if you get to it.

  14. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for the review, I'm digging into the book soon. I love the UK cover and the shimmery/rainbow sheen but disappointed that Stephenie Meyer's name was the same size as that of the author's, I would expect it to be smaller!

  15. Anonymous Says:

    This is everywhere at the moment in the blogging world and I am waiting for my copy to arrive. Glad you enjoyed it and it's good to hear it gives a new twit to things.

  16. Melody Says:

    Anonymous - I love both covers! They're unique in their own ways.

    Rhinoa - I hope your copy arrive soon! :)

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