As from tomorrow onwards, I am taking my leave off from work so that means I have more time to spend with my family. With two young children at home, I have no idea if I am able to squeeze some time off for my reading and blogging so I guess the Blogger Unplugged Challenge (hosted by Beth Fish Reads and Devourer of Books) is fitting to me at this time.

I have only a few scheduled posts lined up and though I may not be able to visit your blogs (who knows? I might be able to pop by your blog once in a while), please know that I will be thinking of you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog, and I shall see you in 2010.

Here's wishing everyone a Happy Holidays!

I want to thank Alice of Hello, My Name is Alice for passing on this award to me. Don't you think the button is beautiful? I love the design!

The rule: Nominate seven other bloggers and then tell everybody seven things about yourself.

Well, I can easily share with you seven things about myself but it sure is hard to nominate only seven bloggers!

Let me start off the easy task first:

  1. I love watching romantic comedies (I got a DVD - Serendipity starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale last week. Oh, I loved this movie!).
  2. I have only watched a movie alone in a cinema once.
  3. My favourite sandwich is Subway's Veggie Delite with lots of honey mustard sauce (minus the onions and chillies).
  4. When I was a child, my favourite cartoon character is Strawberry Shortcake.
  5. I have a driving licence but I don't drive (don't have a car too).
  6. My very first pen pal is a girl from Vienna, Austria. Unfortunately, we have lost touch many years ago.
  7. I have an idol lately, and he is none other than the Taiwanese renowned magician, Lu Chen (He won the Taiwan's Youth Magic Contest which was judged by world-famous magician, David Copperfield at the age of 12). I have just finished reading his autobiography and it was an inspirational read.

And now, I am passing this award to the following blogger friends who I think is beautiful in all ways (in no particular order):

~ Julia of Julia's Books Corner
~ Debi of Nothing of Importance
~ Trish of Trish's Reading Nook
~ Nymeth of Things Mean A Lot
~ Wendy of Musings of a Bookish Kitty
~ Violet of Violet Crush
~ Sandy of You've Gotta Read This ...

... and back to you, Alice!

To my other blogger friends who are not on the list, I want to tell you that you too are beautiful and I wish the rule will extend to a 100 bloggers instead of seven.

17 Responses
  1. Julia Says:

    First let me say, Melody - that you will be miss! It be too hard not to be able to chat with you everday *LOL* -- but I'm looking forward to 2010 to chat with you again :)

    Congrats on the award, you are well deserved because you are beautiful in so many way. So glad I have a friend in you, who put up with my stupid, crazy, silly way :)

    And thanks so much for passing the award to me :) Hope you have a good rest of the holidays break with your family and I see you in 2010 -- hoping you still chat with me every now and then when you pop by to play :)

  2. Violet Says:

    I'll miss you Melody, hope you get lots of time with your family and come back refreshed.

    Congrats on your award Melody and thank you so much for passing on the award.

    I have never watched a movie alone in a theater but I really wanted to do that :)

  3. Sandy Nawrot Says:

    You AND Alice are unplugging! Which is great and I admire your ability to do so. I'm not sure if I'm that strong. I will miss you! Thank you so much for the're so good to me! I do love that button. Have a wonderful holiday Melody, and we'll see you in the new year!

  4. Dot Says:

    Happy Christmas Melody! I srill love visiting your blog, see you in 2010!!

  5. Hooray for unplugging. Enjoy your family in this season.

  6. Debi Says:

    I think unplugging is a wonderful idea, Melody! Though you surely know you will be missed! Enjoy some relaxing time to play and revel in the love of your family...and may you all have the very sweetest of holidays!!!

    And thank you so much for the award...I loved reading your seven things. :D

  7. Thank you so much, Melody! I think you are beautiful too. :-)

    I hope you have a a wonderful holiday season and enjoy your time with your family.

  8. Eva Says:

    Enjoy your family and your blogging break! :)

  9. Unknown Says:

    It's wonderful that you have next week off of work. When I was working I always hoped I would be able to get time off before and after Christmas. It's such a treat & a great time to be home from work. With 2 small children it will be especially nice for you to be off and for them to have you home!

    Congratulations on your award, Melody!
    I enjoy watching romantic comedies, it's a "guilty pleasure" of mine. I especially like watching them late at night when I'm in bed and my husband is snoozing away, totally oblivious!
    That's wonderful that you once had a pen pal from Austria. Interesting letters, I'm sure!

    Happy Holidays, Melody! Have a wonderful Christmas with your children & family :o)

    ~ Amy

  10. valentina Says:

    happy Christmas Melody and enjoy your time off!:)

    hmmm I love honey mustard sauce...must put some in my next sandwich:D

  11. Anonymous Says:

    That is a beautiful button...congratulations on your award. And happy holidays!

  12. Beth F Says:

    Enjoy you're unplugged time!! And congrats on the award.

  13. Ana S. Says:

    Happy Holidays, my friend! Enjoy your time away :) I should probably give myself a break as well, especially considering that I've barely been finding the time to blog or comment at all :(

  14. The Bookworm Says:

    Happy Holidays Melody! Unplugging is a great idea!

  15. Anonymous Says:

    I love Serendipity and Strawberry Shortcake too :) Congratulations!

  16. Melody Says:

    Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for your comments! I'm currently enjoying my leave off. I apologize in advance if I could not visit your blog (and comment) sooner, but I will catch up with you come January!

    Happy Holidays to all! :)

  17. Ceri Says:

    Congrats on your award, hunni. :) And I'm loving the random facts - Veggie Delite from Subway is my fave too. :D

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