
Booking Through ThursdayCheck Spelling

What books do you have next to your bed right now? How about other places in the house? What are you reading?

I don't keep books next to my bed. In fact, I have a small table in our living room where I kept all my current reads, including magazines. As for the rest of my TBR pile, they are kept in our study room and store room.

Though my choice of books are always on-the-spur-of-a-moment thing, however I do have a few books in mind for my next reading; two of which are review copies, a few YA novels and a Japanese fiction titled Black Rain by Masuji Ibuse, translated by John Bester. I'm currently reading Hate List by Jennifer Brown, which is both a powerful and a riveting read. My review will be up next week.

So what are you reading? And what's on your reading list next?

21 Responses
  1. I too don't keep books in by bedside as I don't read in bed.

    BTT: Bedside

  2. Sandy Nawrot Says:

    I do keep books at my bedside, primarily the ones on deck (to remind me NOT to get impulsive, but to stick to the game plan!). It is the only way to keep myself in check. I hate feeling like I have to stick to a schedule, but if I don't I will never get through my review books!

  3. Josette Says:

    I don't have a bedside table but I do have piles of books in my room!

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I think a healthy sized TBR pile is the secret to immortality. :)

    And I have a bunch of books piled up at various places in my house.

  5. Alayne Says:

    Hate List sounds like an interesting book. My bedside list is at The Crowded Leaf.

  6. Melanie Says:

    I loved Hate List. Will have to keep an eye out for your review to see what you thought.

    P.S. Really like your blog layout!

  7. I concur with Melanie. What a creative layout!

    I'm listening to the new Steig Larsson book right now.

  8. Liz Says:

    Completely agree with nashvillebookworm who said a healthy sized TBR list is the secret to immortality -- I get twitchy if I don't have plenty of choices.

    Current read is "The Deadfall Project" by Brett James, about a CIA spy (retired) trying to deal with a bomb planted by Iranian terrorists. Lots of action, lots of stuff going on behind the scenes. It has started off fast and keeps you on the edge of your seat, so much so that I'm nearly done! I like the idea of the old-world spy dealing with new-world threats.

  9. Jeane Says:

    You must do most of your reading in a comfy living-room chair or couch. Mine are mostly by the bed, because that's where I read!

  10. pussreboots Says:

    No bedside table for me either but you can see what I have stashed under my bed.

  11. The Bookworm Says:

    Happy reading Mel, Hate List sounds interesting.

    I do keep my current reads on my nightstand.

  12. I am looking forward to your review!

  13. Jenny Says:

    I'm trying to comprehend a world in which I would not have a bedside table with books on it. When I open my eyes in the morning and don't see books, I start my morning with sadness in my heart.

  14. Alice Says:

    I don't read on my bed and don't plan to. My bed's for only one purpose--to sleep! LOL

  15. Andreea Says:

    My books are everywhere, even though my husband doesn't really like it:) But I like it.

    As to what I am reading right now - I am enjoying 'How It Happened in Peach Hill', a young adult book.

    Happy reading to you Melody!

  16. I do not keep books next to my bed either. Sometimes, if I fall asleep with a book, my book will end up on my husband's nightstand, which is where he sets it for safe keeping.

    I'm currently in between books but hope to choose my next read soon.

  17. Ceri Says:

    You have no books by your bedside? You're so disciplined. :) I have a pile of 60-70 books of my TBR next to my bed. Eek. I'm such a slow reader. :P

  18. Jaimie Says:

    I keep one or two books on the nightstand. They are usually short stories or something light to get sleepy to. I am looking forward to your review of Hate List. Just the title makes me curious!

  19. Julia Says:

    I used to put the "next read" book on my night table but sometime drink accidently spill over the books. So now they're on my bed. But just because it there, does not mean officially it would be my next book read. My mood change all the time, and instead I end up picking books from my TBR pile.

    Currently on my bed (upcoming books):
    - Patience by Lisa Valdez
    - Sizzling by Susan Mallery
    - Falling For Grace by Susan Mallery
    - Tempting by Susan Mallery
    - EndGame by Dee Davis (library)
    - Expose by Dee Davis (library)
    - Enigma by Dee Davis (library)

  20. Violet Says:

    I do have a bedside table which usually has the book I am currently reading as I tend to read for atleast half a hour before sleeping.

  21. Melody Says:

    Thank you, everyone, for your comments! I loved reading your answers. I apologise for not replying on a one-to-one basis, but I appreciate them all the same! :)

    Hope you all have a great week ahead!

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