
Looking down from the top inside Texas State Capitol.
People sitting around the mosaic . . .

. . . meditating.

9 Responses
  1. Sandy Nawrot Says:

    Looks like the perfect place to meditate!

  2. Iliana Says:

    This cracks me up. I think some of the Texas lawmakers should be down there and hopefully become enlightened :)

  3. Beth F Says:

    Great photos, but meditating around the medallion?

  4. Swapna Says:

    How funny! Great pictures though.

  5. Darlene Says:

    Great pics Melody. I could never understand meditating with all those people around. I'd be too busy people watching. Lol.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Love the pics with the meditators :)

  7. Alice Says:

    The meditating picture is interesting!

  8. The Bookworm Says:

    how cool that you can meditate there!

  9. Julia Says:

    Love the inside of the Texas State Capitol, Melody! Love the stars and seeing people gathering around meditating :)

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