I found this Harry Potter meme at Rebecca’s and Tasha’s blogs and thought it sounds fun (originally from Tif Talks Books). Plus, I am feeling nostalgic now that the Harry Potter movies instalments are over but I know he and the rest of the characters will stay in our hearts forever.
When and Where (when you first discovered the series): Believe it or not, it was actually the first movie that made me take notice of this series. Till today, I still regret that I didn’t read the books first before watching the movies.
Favorite Character: Hermione Granger. She is intelligent yet humble, and not to mention she is furiously courageous and loyal too!
Most Hated Character: Delores Umbridge and Bellatrix LeStrange. Both women are different characters wise but they are equally annoying and hated.
When and Where (when you first discovered the series): Believe it or not, it was actually the first movie that made me take notice of this series. Till today, I still regret that I didn’t read the books first before watching the movies.
Favorite Character: Hermione Granger. She is intelligent yet humble, and not to mention she is furiously courageous and loyal too!
Most Hated Character: Delores Umbridge and Bellatrix LeStrange. Both women are different characters wise but they are equally annoying and hated.
Favorite Book: Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. I thought the premise is very, very clever!
Favorite Movie: Can I say I loved all of them?
Rank the Books (1 = favorite, 7 = least favorite): Can you believe that I haven’t read the whole of the instalments yet? As to date, I have only read till Book 4 and I think one reason for this is that I didn’t feel the rush of reading the books after having watched the movies. I know, the books are supposed to be better and more detailed but… oh well. I guess it is a matter of time that I will get to the rest of the books.
Most Memorable Scene: Professor Dumbledore’s death. How could a wise and humble man like him (and not to mention being Harry Potter’s mentor) be dead?
What You Will Miss the Most: The characters, as well as the anticipation of waiting for the new book or movie to release. Oh the excitement!
What You Are Looking Forward To (even despite the end): Pottermore. And I hope J.K. Rowling will write a new series quickly!
* * * * *
Now that we are on the topic of Harry Potter, I saw a Lego box last night while shopping for a shirt for my daughter for her school play. I wanted to buy it because it has a Harry Potter theme but then I was hesitant because the price said S$129.90. My husband shook his head at me and said, “Well, it’s a Lego. What do you expect?”

Really enjoy your answered to this Harry Potter meme questions :) It has been such a long time since I read HP book #4. I think I might go back to it soon. And OMG, the price of the HP Lego. Glad you found one online that is a little cheaper. Hopefully you decided to buy it :)
I had no idea Lego sets cost so much!
I like that you picked Hermione as your favorite character. She kind of reminded me of myself... :)
Hermoine is so cool. Oh well, somehow I knew Dumbledore had to die, but when he did - I cried and cried - the feeling was like losing someone I knew, someone whom I adored and loved. Ah well! My Hubby thinks I am crazy, but I think I loved Dumbledore and Hagrid a lot :)
Of course, I hate Umbridge with a severity I didn't know I had :)
I love you, JKR!
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the rest of the books when you get around to reading them! And I hear you on regretting watching the movies first - that has happened to me with other stories, and it's why I keep telling my bf he can't watch the movies until he reads the series :P
This is a great meme. I really miss HP. I still remember when I read the first book - I had not got on the HP train when everyone else was. I was later on like you, after the first movie. After that first book though, I devoured them and I really wanted to do a reread this year. Maybe I'll fit it in yet.
What a great meme. I've been a fan of Harry for a long time now... and I have to agree: the think I will miss most is having a new book or movie to look forward to. On the other hand, maybe there will be another new, exciting thing to capture all our imaginations?
Hi everyone! Thanks for your comments. :)
I'm sure many of us will miss this great series created by the talented J.K. Rowling. Ah Harry Potter... *sigh*.
Ahhh, Harry Potter. :) Don't worry - I think I've only read up to book 4 or 5 (I can't remember :P) and I haven't seen either of the Deathly Hallows films yet. Eek!
fun meme :) I agree, Bellatrix LeStrange is awful! lol
I read the book first then saw the films and when I read Dumbledores death scene, I yelled out loud...lol. I refused to believe it.
You know, I sure hope that J.K. Rowling would write a brand new series that will become popular and everyone to love...
Can you believe how much the Lego sets cost?!? I cannot believe it!
Thank you so much for participating in my little meme and I apologize for taking so long to get over here to comment! It was so much fun to read your answers and I am so glad to see someone else love the third book! I will be curious to hear if any of your answers change after reading the entire series someday!