
Koln, Germany

17 Responses
  1. Sandy Nawrot Says:

    Huh! Is that painted on the sidewwalk, or on a carpet, or what?

  2. there is a guy who does that all the time in the Hauptwache subway station in Frankfurt.

  3. Ana S. Says:

    Wow, that's impressive!

  4. Melody Says:

    Sandy - My apologies! I should've explained more in my post. :P That's a painting, and the hubs said there're a lot of these talented artists doing these on the streets. I wish I was there to witness everything!!

    Lenore - I'd love to see the paintings! They're awesome!

    Nymeth - Yes, they are! I'm in awe!

    Naida - I wish I could hang one of those in my house. ;)

  5. Alice Says:

    I've seen artwork like these but I don't think they were from Germany like the ones here. They're beautiful!

  6. Veens Says:

    wow! Paintings on the streets! Nice!

  7. Julia Says:

    I've seen similiar artwork around too. Especially some from friends who pass the artwork through emails. I thought those artist are so brilliant and beauitful. Sometime it break-taking too :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Melody Says:

    Alice, Veens - I love these artworks! They're so beautiful!

    Julia - I've seen a few of these artworks through emails too, but it's a pity that I didn't keep them!

  9. violet Says:

    wow...absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking.

  10. Jennifer Says:

    Stunning, as the arts tend to be in Germany. Great photography. Happy WW!

  11. S. Krishna Says:

    That is too cool!

  12. Beth F Says:

    Very cool!!!!

  13. Melody Says:

    Violet, Jennifer, Swapna & Beth - Thanks, ladies! Glad you think this painting is cool too!

  14. Darlene Says:

    Wow, how amazing!

  15. I love the colors! I would love to walk down the street and see beautiful paintings like that instead of ugly graffiti.

  16. Melody Says:

    Dar & Wendy - It's so pretty! I love the colours too!

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