
ISBN-13: 9780312937041
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pub. Date: August 2007

Charlie Fox used to be a Special Forces trainee but currently she works as a bodyguard at a personal protection agency runs by her ex-lover, Sean Meyer. She arrives in Florida for her first assignment to protect Trey Pelzner, a fifteen-year-old teenager and the son of a rich computer programmer, Keith.

Initially, Charlie thinks it is easy task. After all, she is asked to 'babysit' Trey but when they are pursued by someone at a theme park and had one innocent woman passerby shot, she knows this assignment is no joke and is puzzled as to why someone wants Trey dead.

After she has managed to get herself and Trey safe, she tried to contact Sean and Keith but was alarmed to find she couldn't get ahold of any of them. It is as if everyone has chosen to disappear at the same time. With no one to turn to but herself, Charlie has to uncover the mystery all on her own. Soon, she and Trey are on the run as their enemy seek them closely and Charlie no longer sure who she could trust anymore.

First Drop is a page-turner which I am sure most suspense thrillers fans will enjoy. Zoe Sharp has written an intriguing story starring the strong, competent heroine Charlie Fox in various difficult situations and how she manages to overcome all obstacles in the end. The cover art has portrayed this book perfectly as I felt I was going on a roller coaster ride reading First Drop. This book was also nominated for the Barry Award for Best British Crime Novel 2004. The next installment Second Shot is already out and I know I will be looking forward to it.
9 Responses
  1. Jane Says:

    Great review! I have never heard of this author. Where did you find the book? It looks like a very exciting story.

  2. Ladytink_534 Says:

    Oh wow, sounds creepy! The author doesn't sound familiar. Is she newly published?

  3. Melody Says:

    I've never heard of her either, Jaimie. I stumbled upon this book by chance at a bookstore. I got it because the blurb looks so intriguing. I'm glad it doesn't disappoint. :)

    Jen, she's a new author to me. I visited her website and understood that she first wrote her book Killer Instinct in 2001. She was born in Nottinghamshire.

  4. Iliana Says:

    I'm not typically a fan of thrillers but this one sounds good. I will have to bringing it up for consideration to my mystery book group! Thanks for the review Melody!

  5. Melody Says:

    Please do, Iliana. I hope the readers at your mystery book group will enjoy this book (and you too!). ;)

  6. Kim L Says:

    Sounds like a great read!

  7. Melody Says:

    It is, Kim! :)

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Looks like a book I would enjoy. Thanks for the heads up, as I have never heard of this author before.
    BTW: Is "Pleave" have a cup of tea a deliberate spelling error ?
    I'm a new reader to your blog so maybe I've missed a previous post :)

  9. Melody Says:

    Hi Gavin! Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you'll drop by often. :)

    Yep, it's definitely a typo. ;)Thanks for telling me.

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