
Musing Mondays

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about blog comments.

How do you respond to the comments on your blog? Do you try to email individually or comment on post yourself answering the comments above? What do you think is the best way to respond to comments and do you respond to all of them? Do you feel slighted if you don't receive a response back from the blog owner? (question courtesy of Jenn)

When I first started this blog way back in July 2006, my sole purpose is to write for myself and to jot down my thoughts after reading a book. My very first comment came from a good friend, Julia, whom I known from author Lori Foster's forum. Though we have not met each other before, but I felt I have known her for a long time through our emails all these years. Subsequently, other friends like Jennifer T. and Darla also commented on my blog occasionally until in January 2007, someone aside from my friends commented on my blog! It was not even a book review post but I was both excited and moved that someone would read my blog and commented on it! Thus, from then onwards I strive to write better and to make my blog looks more interesting. It is through joining memes (I remember my first meme is Ten on Tuesday and Booking Through Thursday) that gave me the opportunity of reading other people's blogs and commenting on them, and vice versa.

I love receiving comments, but the most is I am interested in knowing what friends or other readers think of the things I said. They mean a lot to me, and it is also through their comments that I am aware of the areas I need to improve and so forth. Because I understand my friends and readers take the time in reading and commenting on my blog, I always try my best in answering to every of their comments if possible (which is on the same comment box where they had left their comments on my post). However, if I encounter some problem with blogger, I will then email my reply to them but this is rare.

Honestly, I have no idea what is the best way in responding to comments but I feel as long as they are answered, it is all good. I will not feel slighted but I will be very happy if I get a response from the blog owner.

So what about you? I'd love to hear from you.

20 Responses
  1. Jenners Says:

    I share a lot of your thoughts but I almost never come back to check comment sections -- I actually prefer to get an e-mail if one is warranted (and not all comments deserve replies). And I agree -- comments are one of the funnest and most rewarding parts of blogging.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I love the way you respond to almost every comment. I almost always come back to read your response. I am really bad at replying. What I generally do is check out the person's blog who has commented and comment on one of their posts instead of replying, which is bad, I know. But I think I do respond if there there is a question from the commentor.

    Keep it up Melody!!! You are doing great.

  3. Julia Says:

    Hey Melody - Always so glad that I'm not just only your long time online friend, but your first commenter on this blog *grin*. You always done a wonderful job keeping up with commenting a response to those who comments your blog - keep it up! ;) :)

  4. Ana S. Says:

    I do my very best to reply to the comments I get too. That kind of interaction is such a big part of the blogging experience for me.

  5. Yvonne Says:

    It's so hard to know what the right thing is. I don't think there's any right or wrong though. I love getting comments and respond when I can. Mainly I love visiting other people's blogs and seeing what everyone is talking about.

  6. Beth F Says:

    I love getting comments too (duh!). I read them all and answer what needs to be answered.

  7. zetor Says:

    A comment lover here, but replies are only sent if necessary.

  8. Alice Says:

    I'm so with you, Melody! Nymeth says it all too. :)

  9. Ladytink_534 Says:

    When I first started I'd reply to comments via email sometimes but now I just do it in the actual comment section and unless it's all pretty much the same comment (like Happy Easter!), I reply individually to each one.

  10. Jenny Girl Says:

    I was responding to each one from my email, but I think I will start commenting back on my posts.

    These weekly memes are a great way to meet new people and blogs.

    Thanks for your honest opinion!

  11. Darlene Says:

    Melody, you're great about responding to comments. I need to get better. I like for the most part responding on my blog unless it's something personal then I'll send a separate email.

  12. The Bookworm Says:

    I think you are great when it comes to answering comments :O)
    I try to answer comments at my blog, but sometimes there just isnt enough time.

  13. Melody Says:

    Jenners - I'll have to keep that in mind. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. :)

    Violet - Thanks! I think there is no right or wrong way as I suppose everyone has his/her own method of replying. :)

    Julia - Thank you for everything! :D

    Nymeth - I love and enjoy the interaction between bloggers. Through this experience, I've known a lot of wonderful friends, including you. :)

    Yvonne - I share the same thoughts as you. :)

    Beth - To me, getting comments is a great form of interaction and I love it! :)

    Zetor - I agree with you.

    Alice - Glad we all share the same sentiments. :)

    Jen - I tend to reply all in one if it's a greeting too. :)

    Jenny - I think it's great to reply to everyone via emails. I'll probably do this if I've some extra time though. ;)

    Dar - Thanks! I think you're doing great too! :) Like you, I'll send a separate email if it's something personal.

    Naida - Thank you! :) I like the way you reply to commenters too.

  14. Nise' Says:

    Its cool that everyone has different ways of responding to comments.

  15. Matt Says:

    I pondered at this question a lot when I was an inchoate blogger. I wish to be able to reply to all the comments, given that the comments are open-ended. I also want to acknowledge all my readers and not to make them feel they are ignored. The etiquette of dealing with comments also lead to a bigger question of when and how to link a blog. Anyway, I appreciate your taking time to share your thoughts on my blog. :)

  16. I try to handle comments the same way that you do--respond back within the same comment form. I think it provides a sense of interaction--lets you know your comment was heard. I always appreciate that you respond back, even if it is something really small.

  17. Kim L Says:

    I try to respond to comments on my blog as quickly as I can, because I know that I appreciate it when others do so on their blogs.

    It can be a challenge, though!

  18. Melody Says:

    Nise' - Indeed. It's interesting reading how we use the same (or different) methods when it comes to replying to the commenters. :)

    Matt - I love the interaction among bloggers so comments play a huge part in this area. I appreciate your time in reading and leaving your comments on my blog. Just to let you know I also enjoy reading your thoughts on your blog. :)

    Trish - I always try to leave a comment unless I've nothing to say, but that doesn't mean I don't read the posts. ;) Thank you for your comments, as always!

    Kim - Me too! I wish I've more time in doing that (reading and commenting on all the blogs I visit). Time is of the essence here!

  19. You said it so well, Melody. I still am thrilled at every single comment I receive. I appreciate that someone took the time to not only visit my blog but to comment as well.

  20. Melody Says:

    Wendy - Thank you! It always cheers me whenever I receive comments from you all!! :)

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