
Teaser Tuesdays

TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to:

  • Grab your current read.
  • Let the book fall open to a random page.
  • Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page.
  • You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
  • Please avoid spoilers!

I have read a lot of good reviews on this book, and with the movie opening here next month (I know this movie was released a while back in the U.S.), I want to read the book first before I catch it on screen. I hope the movie is as good as the book! It's so intense, and oh full of suspense!

Chuck came over. 'You find it?'

Teddy nodded, turned the notebook so that Chuck could see the page, the single word written there, tightly scrawled and already beginning to bleed in the rain:


(Pg 161, Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane)

29 Responses
  1. Kathy Martin Says:

    Nice teaser! This book is on my TBR shelf. I'll have to get to it soon.

  2. Oh, I want to read this! And to see the movie...

    Here's mine:

  3. Matt Says:

    I knew the book would be a great thriller to read, and I have been holding off to see the movie. What a great teaser! :)

  4. Novroz Says:

    Aw nice teaser. After watching the movie, I really want to read this book

  5. I always try and read the book before I see the movie, otherwise I find that I read the book and I am picturing the movie unfolding.

    I don't know what is, but some reason this doesn't appeal to me. Maybe its because Ive seen the add for the movie?

    Mine is a classic this week

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Love it! I really want to see this movie and now I want to read the book too. Here's mine.
    BTW, your blog is gorgeous!

  7. pussreboots Says:

    I've been hearing good things about that book now that the film is out. My teaser is from Un Lun Dun

  8. I need to eventually read this, so I can finally see the movie.

    Here's mine.

  9. Clarissa Says: brother didn't really like the movie but hopefully the bookis better.

    Here is my teaser

  10. Veens Says:

    uhh-ohh! RUN! :)

    Nice teaser! I hope you are enjoying it :)

  11. I enjoyed both, and hope you do too! Great choice for the teaser!

    Mine is at The Introverted Reader.

  12. Jennifer Says:

    That one word holds a lot of meaning. I have Shutter Island on my TBR list. My TT:

  13. Violet Says:

    Oooh...nice teaser Mel.

    I'm definitely watching this movie.

  14. Melody Says:

    Thanks, everyone! I'm enjoying reading this book! I really can't wait for the movie to release! :)

  15. Chrissie Says:

    Nice teaser! I'm hoping to read this book sometime soon - I hope you're enjoying it :)

  16. Alice Says:

    I remember this, Melody! I'm glad you're reading it now. I loved the book when I read it last year. :D

  17. Marg Says:

    This is an awesome teaser! Gave me chills!

    My teaser is here

  18. Alayne Says:

    Great teaser! I enjoyed the movie, but probably would have liked the book better. My teasers are at The Crowded Leaf.

  19. Andreea Says:

    Nice teaser!

  20. Lina Shaik Says:

    Great teaser. Sounds full of suspense! Here's mine.

  21. Leona Says:

    What suspense :)

  22. Minding Spot Says:

    That grabbed my attention!!

    Great teaser :)

  23. Lisa Says:

    Okay, i must be dumb, I didn't even KNOW this was a book!!! I am definately going to read it!!!

    Great teaser, seriously.

  24. Anonymous Says:

    wow, that was powerful. Hope you enjoy the book. Check out my teaser here:

  25. Lori Says:

    That's an attention grabber isn't it? This book is expected to be creepy. I hope that you enjoy your book. Here's My Teaser

  26. Darlene Says:

    Great teaser Melody. This book is sitting on my eREader. I've heard it's good.

  27. Julia Says:

    Great teaser, and I'm planning to see the movie from my Netflix :) And maybe it'll get me to read the book too.

  28. Anonymous Says:

    I've read the book and seen the movie. Love the teaser you chose.

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