
Booking Through ThursdayCheck Spelling

1. Do you get to read as much as you WANT to read?

2. If you had (magically) more time to read–what would you read? Something educational? Classic? Comfort Reading? Escapism? Magazines?

Reading time is very precious to me. With a full-time job and two young daughters to look after after office hours, finding some time to read can be real challenging. Therefore, I appreciate every seconds of my reading time. I make full use of the time travelling to and from work to catch up on my reading, and occasionally turn down lunch offers from coworkers. They are very understanding as they know all of us need some personal time to ourselves sometimes.

Well, if I have more time to read, I will read just about anything! But my priority will be my TBR pile. There are so many books in that pile that would probably last me for years!

26 Responses
  1. Julia Says:

    I agree with you Melody! Reading time is precious to me too. So I always appreciate every second I can get to read. Of course you already know what been happen with me I hope to be able to read more. Even if I have been reading less, the one I did read I appreciate the time I read them :)

    Happy Thursday Melody! And I sure do miss chatting with you about books. Those were the old times :) Can't wait until you get back to work and we can chat again :)

  2. Alice Says:

    I share the same answer, Melody, except for the part about caring for children. I appreciate every available second for my reading. :)

    Happy BTT and enjoy your day!

  3. I hear you. No kids, but between work and other commitments I am always looking fir more time to read. And even though my other things can be fun, sometimes I still wish I were sitting around and reading.

  4. Ania Says:

    Sometimes, when I watch those Jane Austen movies in which the women seem to have nothing better to do than read, I wish that every now and again I could have a Jane Austen day!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    It's hard to find enough hours in the day, isn't it? I love your Christmas tree. The snowman is adorable!

  6. SmilingSally Says:

    No one has enough reading time, and we all could use more to read what we like. Happy BTT!

  7. Beth F Says:

    It can be so difficult to find reading time when there are kids in the house. But enjoy them now and look forward to reading time later.

  8. Yvonne Says:

    I think many of us feel the same way. I have to start reading at lunch - instead, I end up shopping for more books at the bookstores during lunch.

  9. Yes, I have to get a dent in that TBR pile.

  10. Bellezza Says:

    We must have the same pile! And, I keep adding more!

  11. Anonymous Says:

    I totally agree about the TBR pile. I think I have close to 500 books on that list and it is always growing.

  12. Susan Says:

    I'm resolving to make a dent in my tbr pile next year - but then again, that's kind of a perpetual resolution for me. Even if I had more time to read, I could never keep up with my tbr list.

  13. Alyce Says:

    I've never had both a job and kids at the same time. I can't imagine what a challenge it would be to find reading time.

  14. Crissy Says:

    Oh, to have more time for the TBR pile. I refer to mine as my books-in-waiting. The piles recently got so big that my husband installed two new shelves for me.

  15. Anonymous Says:

    I usually read two hours over breakfast every morning, taking my time and sitting at the sunniest spot at my neighborhood coffee shop. (It's San Francisco...everyone has their coffee at the cafes). Then I'll slip in some reading time when no students come for office hour. I'll read a bit more at home in the evening since I don't watch much TV.

  16. Iliana Says:

    I'm amazed at all the reading you do Melody given that you do have little ones! I don't think any of us bookworms are happy enough with the reading time we have are we :)

  17. Ana S. Says:

    The fact that you do make time to read despite your busy life is awesome, Melody. And It's always a relief for me to hear that I'm not the only lunch time hermit :P

    The TBR pile does keep growing, though. Sigh.

  18. The Bookworm Says:

    I know, it is hard to find reading time having little ones at home.

  19. Anonymous Says:

    It looks like a lot of us feel the same way. I have a pile of books waiting to be read too.

  20. Melody Says:

    Julia - I'm glad you got out of your reading slump! You know...I'm looking forward to going to work soon, hehe.

    Alice - I wish I've more reading time like you. *sigh* ;)

    Nicole - I understand. We could never get enough time for our reading. ;)

    Ania - Me too! :D

    Kristy - How're you? Glad to see you back, Kristy! And you're right that it's hard to find enough time in a day! The time passes so quickly!

    Sally - I hear ya! :D

    Beth - My children means a lot to me. That's why I've difficulty in finding time for my reading. ;)

    Yvonne - Oh, I'd love to shop at bookstores during lunchtime! There's one near my office but I'm restraining myself from going there everyday, hehe.

    Chris - I guess most of us have the same thought about clearing those TBR pile!!

    Bellezza - I don't think our TBR pile will ever go down with the rate of our book buying, LOL.

    Amy - 500 books!! Wow! I'm not sure how many I have in my pile, and I'm too scared to make a note of it, ha!

    Susan - Oh, that'd be my New Year resolution too, LOL. But I don't think I'd stick to it.

    Alyce - It's challenging but then, that's life. ;)

    Christina - I need more bookshelves! But it's the storage space that determines everything.

    Matt - I've my breakfast in the office. Usually I reach the office an hour early so I can have my breakfast, check emails and get some reading. Some of my coworkers think I'm insane to report to work that early, haha.

    Iliana - I love reading too much that I'm willing to exhaust myself at times than to give it up! :P

    Nymeth - It's tiring but I think it's worth it! I think lunch breaks do helps with catching on my reading. And you're right that TBR pile always keeps growing despite the reading we do! ;P

    Naida - It's challening but they're a joy to our life too. :D

    Charli - I don't think we'll ever have enough time for our reading.

  21. Cathy Says:

    You're fortunate. When I read at work during lunch or breaks, everyone looks at me as though I came from another planet!

  22. Melody Says:

    Cathy - LOL. Initially, some of my coworkers did give me a funny look when I told them I wanted to read but as time goes by, they kind of got used to it, hehe.

  23. Kim L Says:

    Ha, who does get enough reading time these days? That's great that you can do that over your lunch break. I feel like I can't focus enough on mine to read, but I guess I haven't tried hard enough. Maybe I should!

  24. Shana Says:

    My answer was that I would read more award winners and short-listed books. But I SHOULD be reading my TBR stack if I have extra time!


  25. If I had more time I'd be reading the same thing as now also (TBR stuff). I also sometimes turn down lunch offers, which I don't like doing, but my reading time at home is very limited as well.

  26. Melody Says:

    Kim - The one-hour lunch break is too short! Heck, even though if it's two hours I'd still be complaining, haha.

    Shana - Me too! I'd love to read more award winning books!

    Trish - Yep, need to clear those TBR pile! They're getting way too high!

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