
ISBN-13: 9780060833985
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, 419pp
Pub. Date: October 2005

This is a true story of a Labrador retriever named Marley and the Grogan's family. When John and Jenny first started their marriage life together, they thought it was good practice and experience to get a dog before planning for a family. And that was when they found Marley, and life will never be the same for them then.

And so, under the great care of the Grogan's family, Marley has grown into a ninety-seven pound canine and he was so hyperactive that even the obedience school had to 'kick' him out. Everyone thought he was a disaster, but in fact he just wanted a little fun and some attention. I was both glad and relieved to read that the Grogan's family didn't give up on him despite his behaviour. But what most touches me was this scene:

"As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Marley came to accept Patrick as his new best friend. One night early on, as I was turning off the lights to go to bed, I couldn't find Marley anywhere. Finally I thought to look in the nursery, and there he was stretched out on the floor beside Patrick's crib, the two of them snoring away in stereophonic fraternal bliss.

Marley, our wild crashing bronco was different around Patrick. He seemed to understand that this was a fragile, defenseless little human, and he moved gingerly whenever he was near him, licking his face and ears delicately. He was a gentle giant around Patrick, and he accepted his second-fiddle status with bonhomie and good-natured resignation."

And then finally when it was time for the Grogan's family to say goodbye to Marley, I cried. (He seemed more like a child than a pet to me.) I have never own any dog in my life, but yet I could feel the emotions that the Grogan's family had gone through.

John has a writing style that captivates the readers from the beginning. And I applaud him for writing this book as a tribute to Marley.

Other Bloggers' reviews:
Dog Ear Diary
Stephanie's Confessions of a Book-a-holic
11 Responses
  1. Alice Says:

    I have this book too! The cute dog on the cover made me bought the book... LOL.

  2. Lotus Reads Says:

    Awww,this sounds like a wonderful book Melody! My 16-year old daughter is just crazy about dogs, do you think she might enjoy this read?

  3. Debi Says:

    I really have to read this book. Everyone who reads it seems to fall in love with it. Thanks for the lovely review, Melody!

  4. Melody Says:

    I noticed, Alice! ;) Indeed the cover is cute; that's one reason I bought it also. :P

    Hi Lotus! I enjoyed the book. And I'm sure your daughter will enjoy it, maybe much more than I since you said she likes dogs so much! :D

    Hey Debi! Yes, you gotta read this! It's heartwarming and it makes me laugh and cry. :)

  5. Alice Says:

    I'm including this into my November reading challenge. Can't wait!

    Speaking of Nov reading challenge, I will not be reading so much because... I have a novel to write. LOLOL.

  6. Julia Says:

    Hi Melody - sound like this is good book to read. Not sure if I ever read it sooner, but I shall see.

    Alice and Melody - good luck to you both on Nano writing!

  7. Melody Says:

    Great! Can't wait to hear your thoughts, Alice!

    Julia, I enjoyed reading it. I hope you'll read it if you've the chance.

  8. Stephanie Says:

    Oh...I read this book a few months ago...and I just loved it!! Fantastic book!!

  9. Melody Says:

    I so agree with you, Stephanie! I love that dog! :)

  10. this one is one my list to read before the end of the month. i've heard so many good things about it. i hope i have time to get to it!

  11. Melody Says:

    Hi Alisonwonderland! This book is great! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do if you have the chance to read it. ;)

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