I would like to thank everyone for your participation. It has been a pleasure (and not to mention fun) to hold this draw. And on top of it, it is always great to give and share.
And so, I have the names randomly drawn this morning... and the winners are:
- Wendy at Musings of a Bookish Kitty for winning a copy of The Dollmaker;
- Nathalie for winning a copy of Before Sunrise; and
- Alice at Hello, My Name is Alice for winning a copy of The Mathematics of Love.
Please email me at melreadingcornerATgmailDOTcom with your name and mailing address so that I can send out the book as soon as possible.
I really won? Oh my! Thank you, Melody. I'm really looking forward to reading The Dollmaker.
Congratulations to you too, Alice!
LOL! Yes, Wendy, indeed you have won! I'll send out your book soon. ;) I'm hoping you'll enjoy the book as I do.
Oh, oh, OH... YAY! I WON! I'm so happeee!...
Thank you, Melody! I'm looking forward to reading The Mathematics of Love too.
And... congratulations to Wendy too! So happy for you.
Hey Alice, congratulations! :D I will send out the book asap. And I hope you will enjoy the book.
awwwwww (sniffle, sniffle) I didn't win??? wellllll, maybe......maybe next time.
Hi, Melody! How are you today? Hope you & your family had a great weekend!
Hey Kathy! Thanks for your participation! Yes, I'm hoping you'll win next time! ;)
I'm just back to the office today. Have been sick, but I'm ok now. I hope you & your family have a great day! TTYL. :D