Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: Mainstream Publishing;
New Ed edition (October 21, 1999)
ISBN-10: 1840182776
The title first caught my attention, but I have to say it was actually the next line (after the title) that piqued my interest - "A Mother's Worst nightmare". After I read the backcover, I was surprised to note this is not a fiction but an autobiography. I decided to buy it.
But life wasn't a bed of roses for Jacqueline after she moved into his family. Bahrin appears to be a different person back in his own country, and he no longer romances her the way he did back when they were in Australia. He wanted her to be an obedient Muslim wife, and she wasn't allowed to do this or that without his approval or permission. Princess Yasmin (as Jacqueline was now known) began to wonder about this 'stranger' whom she called her husband. And her nightmares began when he began to hurt her, even when she was pregnant with child.
After giving birth to their two children, she decided she had enough after knowing that her husband had secretly married another woman. Feeling cold and distraught, she left for Australia with her children. But things don't end just there, her husband abducted their children and this is where her real nightmares begin.
I want to read this book one day. I remember when she was trying to get her kids back not longer after they got taken. it took her so long, but I think that both of her kids are now here in Australia, although it must be so hard for them now to pick up that relationship for so long.
Melody - this sound like an interesting story. Normally I don't read autobiography books, only because too much emotion can just tired me out. Even when it is a good book too :) Great review
Marg - it truly must be hard for her to pick up her life since all that nightmare.
Hi Marg! Thanks for visiting! I understand that she has a sequel Since I Was A Princess that features her 14-year fight of getting her children.
Hi Julia! This book is an emotional read for mothers, at least it was to me.
I think I will definitely cry buckets if I read this. I already did when I read some of my older books, of which I also did review. e.g. Love Life by Ray Klunn, A Walk to Remember, and a few more...
BTW, I've bought Marley and Me! :)
I'm sure you will, Alice. This is an emotional read.
Glad to hear you've bought Marley & Me. ;)
This sounds like a heartwrenching story, Melody. It must have been very difficult for Jacqueline as well as her children. Great review!