Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Publication date: December 2011
Pages: 400
Source: Publisher
Angels and demons. I think they are the next 'IN' theme after the vampires and werewolves but honestly, I can't choose among these as I feel each has its own mythology and they are intriguing to me all the same.
As you can see from the cover, Archon: The Books of Raziel is a book about fallen angels and in this story, our protagonist, Angela Mathers, is a blood head who, like other blood heads, are known to possess mystical powers. Angela, however, is plagued by visions of an angel who seems to haunt her even in her dreams and above all, she has heard about the power of an Archon who is believed to be the human reincarnation of the dead angel, Raziel. And if the hearsay is true, that means the Archon will rule the supernatural universe upon his or her rising and the consequence might be horrifying.
Angela doesn't want to think about angels or the Archon, as long as she finds peace and her self at Westwood Academy; after all she has been locked in a mental institution for two years (not that she is mad but because she is different) and she has escaped death for countless times, not that she has the choice in this matter as whenever she tries to hurt herself, something (or someone?) is always around to protect her from hurting herself too much.
And then, there is the mysterious novice, Kim, who attracts and fascinates her both at the same time but even he has a secret agenda as he tries to hide his being a jinn identity.
As you can tell, there is a lot going about this book and while I liked the mystical world Sabrina Benulis has created, I have to admit that the beginning of the chapters took on at a slow pace and some parts confused me but the plot tightens as I read further and soon I got caught up with the story. If you are a fan of paranormal, I am sure this book will appeal to you.
This sounds like one I might like and I absolutely love that cover!
That cover is lovely.
Glad to hear you wound up enjoying this one, it does sound good.
I am glad you enjoyed this one too, Melody. I had a similar problem at first. But once I figured out what was what, I was hooked.