HQ | 15 April 2021 | 320 pgs
Source: Library 

To begin with, this was a story about four friends and how their wild pasts have caught up with them set in a luxury retreat in Botswana. 

Grace, Alice, Hannah and Felicity used to be besties since their college days. But their relationship fell apart due to a gathering one night, leading to misunderstanding, miscommunication and finally estrangement. In the introduction, it was clear that the four friends, with the exception of Felicity, was not fully happy and satisfied with their lives. Felicity was a mysterious character, partly because she's vanished without a trace and like the other three friends, the reader couldn't stop wondering about her until the invitation arrives. 

Imagine the curiosity and the anticipation when all heard about Felicity finally making her appearance. And that's not all, she's inviting them all to her birthday bash in Botswana with all expenses paid. Despite their skepticism, they proceed to meet up their long-time friend while hoping to reconnect their friendship on an African safari vacation. 

But then things didn't go expectantly once they've arrived at the luxury safari lodge. For starters, there's no sign of the promised party and the guests. Felicity is nowhere in sight, although they receive a text from her and ask them to make themselves at home; and that she'd be joining them very soon. As the three friends settle down quickly, they couldn't help feeling a sense of unease and foreboding as the time passes and Felicity is still nowhere in sight. To complicate matters, the place is isolated and there's no phone signal. What happened to Felicity and is anyone within the group has planned the trip with an ulterior motive? 

I dived into this book with high hope and expectations because of the locked-room mystery set in an exotic location. I'm not really familiar with Botswana so I was looking forward to reading more of this place. Unfortunately, there wasn't much information or description of it except the fictional lodge the characters are staying. There wasn't much description of any wildlife too so in my opinion, the setting was simply in the wild but minus the safari experience. Talk about disappointment. This matter aside, the characters are well fleshed out and developed, though; and it has a claustrophobic vibe throughout so these are the strength of the story. The execution was fine, just that it lacks a bit of punch towards the ending in my opinion. Overall it was a good escapism read and I'll be curious of the author's next book. 
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8 Responses
  1. Lark Says:

    That's too bad that you don't get more of a feel for Botswana in this one; the setting and the safari was a large part of what made me want to read this one.

  2. Harvee44 Says:

    The setting was a plus but as you said, there wasn't enough of the feel of a safari adventure. I am now reading The Lioness by Chris Bohjalian, and this is set in the prairies of Tanzania amidst all the wild animals and some wild humans as well.

  3. Mystica Says:

    All the reunion stories I've read have had interesting endings! This sounds like a good one too.

  4. Diana Says:

    I’m intrigued by the set up. Too bad the Botswana setting wasn’t a bigger part of the story.

  5. Melody Says:

    Lark - The safari setting is definitely a draw, isn't it? Oh well. But at least it was still an intriguing suspense. :)

  6. Melody Says:

    Harvee - The Lioness sounds intriguing! Will have to check it out.

  7. Melody Says:

    Mystica - I love reading a good reunion story, especially one with a suspense element. ;)

  8. Melody Says:

    Diana - The setting was a bit of a disappointment, but at least the characters made up for it. :)

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