Minotaur Books | 17 May 2022 | 304 pgs
Source: Library 

This is the second book of Brian Klingborg's Inspector Lu Fei Mystery and while this can be read as a standalone, I'd suggest to begin with the first book (Thief of Souls) for the flow of the characters developments. 

Inspector Lu Fei is a meticulous, responsible and a highly righteous person not only of his profession but because they're his characteristics as well. Not a person who would curry favour his way up, he often finds himself in hot soup with his superiors because of his straightforwardness and uncorrupted demeanour. This is one reason why he was transferred to a backwater town in a rural area of Northern China after some disagreements with his superior, as told from the first book. But working at a rural village doesn't demoralise him at all, in fact Lu Fei works harder to right the wrongs whatever is tossed his way. 

When 15-year-old Tan Meirong approaches him in search of her missing sister, initially he and the staff at the Public Security Bureau think it's merely a runaway case. But Meirong's persistency in showing up at the bureau eventually convinced Lu Fei that Meixiang's disappearance is more than meets the eye. According to Meirong's statement, Meixiang (who is nineteen) never run away no matter how difficult life is; she's the sole breadwinner of the family ever since their mother died of cancer and their father quit his job after he hurt his back and become an alcoholic. Lu Fei then begins to investigate the restaurant where Meixiang worked and found out that they also serve delicacies of rare and endangered animals discreetly to their selective rich and powerful customers as well. 

Pressurised by his superior to drop the case since the restaurateur has some powerful connections, Lu Fei is forced into suspension eventually from the police force until he is approached by a mysterious official to look into the restaurateur's illegal activities, leading him to an undercover mission in Myanmar in which they believed is the sources destination. Unlike Lu Fei's previous cases, this assignment is risky and dangerous as not only he has to travel deep into the lawless wilderness, but also he has to risk his life to infiltrate the hidden compound of a mysterious and ruthless female warlord who's overseeing the animals trafficking trade. 

Well, it's hard not to like a person like Inspector Lu Fei. He's the type who appears tough on the outside but soft on the inside; he's devoted to a widow named Yanyan who owns a bar and he shows his compassionate side interacting with Meirong and most of all, his sense of righteousness shine in this series. This book has the balance of a police procedural and an action-packed plot as we follow Lu Fei into the wilderness in Myanmar and the cruelty world of animals trafficking. The latter wasn't an easy read, but it helps to raise awareness so hopefully this inhumane act would cease. I'd definitely recommend this series if you enjoy reading a police procedural and also to learn a bit more about the Chinese culture and the political views of their legal system. 
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12 Responses
  1. Lark Says:

    Inspector Lu Fei does sound like a very interesting and likable character!

  2. Harvee44 Says:

    I started this but the cruelty using tigers to attack humans was too much for me to continue. I might pick the book up again sometime.

  3. It has been a long while since I last read a police procedural mystery. Inspector Lu Fei sounds like a great character. I think I would like him. The setting of the mystery appeals to me as well. I will have to check this series out. Thank you for the recommendation, Melody!

  4. Greg Says:

    This sounds fabulous. I actually have this on my TBR but didn't know about the first one. I'll definitely get that also!

  5. Melody Says:

    Lark - Yes, he is. Hopefully you'll give this series a try one day. :)

  6. Melody Says:

    Harvee - Yes, that part got to me too but it helps to skim through those scenes and then continue with the story. ;)

  7. Melody Says:

    Wendy - I love a good police procedural; and all the more with a great character like Lu Fei. I hope you'll enjoy this series when you get to them, Wendy.

  8. Melody Says:

    Greg - Read the first book first! It makes a good introduction of Lu Fei and how he come to the rural village and start his new life there. :)

  9. Diana Says:

    Inspector Lu Fei sounds like a fantastic character. My heart goes out to Meixiang. She's got a lot on her shoulders! I'm curious how the mystery plays out.

  10. Melody Says:

    Diana - Inspector Lu Fei is a fascinating character. He's one of my favourite characters when police procedural is concerned. :)

  11. Iliana Says:

    I love a good police procedural! This sounds like a good series and I think it's one I need to recommend to my mystery book group!

  12. Melody Says:

    Iliana - I couldn't recommend this series enough! I'd recently finished reading the third installment and it was by far the best among the series.

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