
Berkley | 22 August 2023 | 352 pgs
Source: Library 

Jane is a midlist writer who's not happy with her life - her stagnant writing career, the house mortgage and even her marriage, too. There's only one person on earth who could keep her alive but they've lost touch. Thalia, her best friend and classmate during their Creative Writing days at Oxford, had disappeared from her life since that fateful night a decade ago. Jane thought she's lost Thalia for good, until she sees her name at the top of the New York Times bestselling list.

Jane begins her stalking journey on Thalia from following her social media feeds to attending a book convention in NYC where Thalia will be promoting her book, "A Most Pleasant Death". Jane is sure Thalia is writing about their story after reading the blurb, and she couldn't wait to meet her in person. She goes to great lengths in fulfilling her mission, too. She deceives her husband and even her book agent so that both are convinced that she has a reason to be at the book convention. And when she finally did meet Thalia in person, all the past memories and what happened on that fateful night come flooding back. 

I liked reading about the dynamics between Jane and Thalia. Besties or frenemies? They've so much emotional tug of war between them; at times I feel like watching a cat and mouse chase. Jane's narrative was so honest and well descriptive that you're afraid to get into her head sometimes, because they could be dark and disturbing and yet you couldn't tear your attention away. The first half of the story was slow, but it was a good introduction of Jane as well as her friendship with Thalia during the flashbacks; the second part was exciting after they meet and this is where the games really begin. Overall it was a great riveting read and I'd never have thought that this is the same author who wrote the Aunties series and Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers. I look forward to reading more of her suspense books in the near future. 
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10 Responses
  1. Kay Says:

    Hmmm...this one sounds very intriguing, Melody. I'll watch for it and see if I like it.

  2. Greg Says:

    Ooh it sounds like this one really cranks up the suspense!

  3. Melody Says:

    Kay - I'll be curious of your thoughts if you do read it, Kay. :)

  4. Melody Says:

    Greg - It sure did! I loved reading about the dynamics between the two characters.

  5. Melody Says:

    Wendy - I haven't read her Aunties series yet but I enjoyed reading "Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers", although that's more of a cozy mystery. I hope she'll write more suspense thrillers like this book. :)

  6. Mystica Says:

    Intriguing story. Thanks for the review.

  7. Lark Says:

    That whole cat and mouse game between the two characters sounds so compelling. I'll have to put this one on my list. :D

  8. Melody Says:

    Mystica - Thanks, Mystica!

  9. Melody Says:

    Lark - I hope you'll enjoy reading this book as much as I did if you get to it, Lark! :)

  10. Harvee44 Says:

    I really liked the twist in this mystery, but I haven't decided if I really prefer the author's rom coms. Both are good and I hope she continues to write both genres.

    Harvee @

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