
It is that time again to reflect on the books we read and which books have made it on my top reads. Although I wish I have read more books, overall I was quite satisfied with my reading this year. I had read a total of 51 books this year; though it is not considered to be a big amount, it is considered to be a good reading year to me, quality wise. Hence, that also means I had a hard time deciding which book(s) to make it on to my top 10 reads and after some consideration I finally have a list. I know I am cheating here but please note I am also counting a trilogy/series as one title.  

My Top 10 Reads of 2015 (not in any order):

- A Dark and Twisted Tide by Sharon Bolton 
- Half a Lifelong Romance by Eileen Chang 
- I Am China by Xiaolu Guo 
- Behind Closed Doors by Elizabeth Haynes 
- Finding Jake by Bryan Reardon 

- The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson 
- A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay 
- The Cainsville Series by Kelley Armstrong (this series is still ongoing, but I enjoyed the first three installments so here it is. Also, by clicking on each word of the series here will bring you the link to my review of each title respectively. The same goes to Last Policeman Trilogy.)
- Last Policeman Trilogy by Ben H. Winters 
- Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

There you have it - my top 10 reads of 2015. What's yours? 

Here's wishing you a Happy 2016 and may it be a year filled with more books and wondrous reads. 

12 Responses
  1. Kay Says:

    Melody, you and I think alike - a lot. My list has some similarities to yours. I'm going to try to get it posted by Thursday. And I think 51 books is a great total. I always enjoy seeing what you've read and we are in agreement about several of these. :-)

    Here's to a good reading year in 2016!!

  2. I am glad I am not the only one who combined titles because they were in the same series. :-)

    I enjoyed reading your list very much, Melody. Behind Closed doors made my list too (which will go up tomorrow). Sharon Bolton also made my list, although a different title. And I'm so glad to see The Last Policeman Trilogy on your list! You know how I loved that one.

    All your other books that I haven't read are ones I want to read!

  3. jenclair Says:

    Sharon Bolton's would make my list, too. If I could ever whittle it down. :)

  4. Diana Says:

    Looks like a great list, Melody! I'm surprised I haven't read any of these, though I see a few that are on my wish list. I read 50 books this year, which is my lowest total in a while, but I read a lot of great books anyway.

    Happy New Year!

  5. Woohoo! I love seeing Sharon Bolton on your list as she is one of my favorite authors! A Dark and Twisted Tide will be on top reads list this year too! I have a bunch of these on my TBR list already. Looks like I need to read them in 2016. Oh and just to let you know- I always end up wishing that I read more as well :)

  6. Melody Says:

    Kay - Yes, we do have many similarities when it comes to books and that's why I always love knowing what you read. Can't wait to read your favourite list post! :-)

  7. Melody Says:

    Wendy - I just couldn't leave a book out from a series, could I? I'm glad you feel the same way too, Wendy!

    And I enjoyed reading your list too! I definitely need to check out those titles which I haven't read from your list. :-)

  8. Melody Says:

    Jenclair - Sharon Bolton's books are definitely a must-read! Now I need to read her "Little Black Lies" soon!

  9. Melody Says:

    Diana - I'm glad to hear there are some titles on my list which are on your wish list, Diana. I hope you'll enjoy reading them and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. :-)

    Happy New Year to you too!

  10. Melody Says:

    Samantha - Sharon Bolton is definitely one of my favourite authors! I only need to see her name on the covers and I'll buy them! ;-)

    Hope you've a wonderful 2016!

  11. Iliana Says:

    Happy New Year, Melody! Loved reading your list and yay, we even have some books in common!

    I'm really looking forward to some of the books you mentioned so here's to a great 2016!

  12. Melody Says:

    Iliana - Happy New Year, Iliana! I'm glad to hear we have some books in common! :-)

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts when you do read them.

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