
ISBN-13: 9781780227320
Publisher: W&N
Publication Date: August 2015
Format: Paperback, 400 pgs
Source: Library 

December 23, 1980. A night flight bound for Paris crashed into Mont Terri, a snowy mountainside near the Turkish border. All the 169 passengers were perished except for an infant girl, who was thrown out from the plane before the plane caught fire. The media dubbed her as "the Miracle Child of Mont Terri", and just when the world is amazed and overjoyed by this little survivor, there comes a million dollars question. There were two infants on board and there are two families who came forward and claim the child. So is she Lyse-Rose or Emilie? The infants' age were merely a few months apart and given that DNA testing isn't introduced during that time, it was difficult to tell who's who given that family members who could recognise them were either perished or too young an age to be trusted. 

Eighteen years later, Crédule Grand Duc, a private detective is asked to investigate this mystery by one family. On the verge of giving up and committing suicide, the mystery suddenly dawned on him in his final moments. The notebook he had recorded during his investigations had now fallen into Marc's hands; a university student who has taken a liking to "Lylie", a beautiful university mate who has grown up from that unfortunate tragedy eighteen years ago. Marc intends to find out the truth but it seems he is not the only one who is looking for "Lylie". 

After the Crash is no doubt a very intense mystery that had me turning the pages. However, there was one thing that prevent me from enjoying and liking this book fully is the credibility part and the family melodrama which follows. While there are some characters who are interesting, such as the detective and even "Lylie" who remains vague, there are also some characters who would frustrate or infuriate readers. And then, there is that DNA part which perplexed me. It might be true that "Lylie's" identity wasn't identified due to the technology which wasn't common then, but the authorities or even the families would choose to remain "nonchalant" even when the girl has grown up and surely they could have her DNA tested and compare with the remaining family members? This book has a very interesting and intense premise but it lacks plausibility in my opinion. That said, the book was a page-turner and I'm sure it would appeal to readers who want an entertaining and an intense read. 

8 Responses
  1. jenclair Says:

    It does sound like a page-turner, but yes, the credibility factor would bother me, too. The lack of interest in discovering the true identity of the child doesn't seem believable.

  2. Kay Says:

    I was very interested in this book when I first read about it. Two little baby girls and no one knowing which was which. That being said, your comments are not the first I've read bringing up the DNA issue. I'll keep this one in mind, but I suspect I'll not rush to read it. ;-)

  3. The credibility issue can be a book breaker for me, but it sounds like this has a lot going for it otherwise. I'm curious about it. Thanks for your great review, Melody. :-)

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I read this story last year and I enjoyed parts of it, but found it quite uneven in plot. Some of it was intense and held my interest, but others were head-scratcher moments. I'm glad that you did read it anyway. Good review! We were like-minded in our thoughts.

  5. Iliana Says:

    I checked this out from the library but unfortunately had to return it before I got to it. I still would like to check it out again but good to know you have to keep your credibility in-check. You are right, that can be hard to put aside but at least this sounds like it's still an entertaining read!

  6. Melody Says:

    Hi Everyone! Thanks for your comments. Yes, as you can tell I was quite bothered by the credibility part but then it was still not a bad read. I hope you'll still give this book a try, though. I know I'll be curious to know what you'll think of it. ;-)

  7. Definitely an interesting premise, but yeah, why wouldn't she have her DNA tested as an adult? That would frustrate me too, but still, sounds like a good mystery.

  8. Melody Says:

    Diana - Yes, that's the question I'm sure many readers are asking. Still, it was an intense read.

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