
Mira | January 2017 | 368 pgs
Source: Library

This is my third Kubica book and I've to say this book was a bit different from her other two books I read in terms of the pacing and the overall story structure.

Narrated by Quinn Collins and Alex Gallo alternatively, these two characters found themselves onto a different journey when unexpected circumstances are thrown into their path. Quinn is a twenty-ish young woman living with her roommate in downtown Chicago when one day she finds her disappears from their apartment without a trace. Esther Vaughan isn't one who wander about or one who loves living a wild life so Quinn question over Esther's disappearance and how well she really knew her roommate after she has discovered a few haunting letters addressed to "My Dearest" among her possessions. Is Esther hiding something from her? 

On the other end, eighteen-year-old Alex Gallo works as a dishwasher at a coffeeshop in a solitude small-town Michigan. Living with his alcoholic father and occasionally running errands for a woman with agoraphobia, Alex has been living a mundane life until a young woman steps into the coffeeshop one day. Drawn by her mysterious and her quiet temperament, he soon becomes friends with her but the girl whom he named Pearl doesn't share much of her info with him. Who is she and what's on her agenda? 

Don't You Cry is not a fast paced book filled with intensity like other psychological suspense; this is more of a character-driven story and allows the reader to take time to know the characters as the story slowly unfolds. Truth be told, I wasn't sure where the story direction is initially because Quinn and Alex don't seem to have any connections with each other. Their search in finding the truth surrounding the two young women in their life seems to be their common ground and that's it. However, the story did take a turn and surprised me in the end as it wasn't something I'd expected. Overall it was a suspenseful read and if you don't mind the slower pace then this book is for you.

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12 Responses
  1. Lark Says:

    Might have to try this one. It sounds intriguing and...unexpected. :)

  2. Jenny Says:

    I've been wanting to try this author's books. Good to know this one is a little slower.

  3. jenclair Says:

    Sounds interesting--I'd rather have character-driven than high intensity!

  4. Melody Says:

    Lark - I hope you'll give her books a try one day soon. I think this one will be a good one to begin with. :)

  5. Melody Says:

    Jenny - As mentioned this one was a bit different from the other two I read but it's not a bad one to start with.

  6. Melody Says:

    Jenclair - I don't mind having both; then again it'll has to depend on the story structure. :)

  7. The Bookworm Says:

    I've seen this one around and have been curious. I'm not a fan of the slower pace though, but it sounds interesting. Great review.

  8. Melody Says:

    Naida - It was a different read from her other books. I hope her next release will be a fast-paced one filled with intensity and full of suspense. :)

  9. This sounds intriguing. I have to be in the mood for a slower pace, but I don't mind it. I haven't yet tried this author, but one of these days I will.

  10. Melody Says:

    Wendy - Yes, I've to be in the mood for a slow-paced book too. I hope you'll enjoy it when you get to it.

  11. Iliana Says:

    This was a good read but it also took me a while to get into it. I found it a bit confusing as well but overall it was a good story. I am looking forward to read more of her books.

  12. Melody Says:

    Iliana - Yes, I found it a bit confusing in the beginning, too. But I'm glad I didn't give up and that the story is tied up in the end.

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