

One of my favorite bookstores burned down last weekend, and while I only got to visit there while I was on vacation, it made me stop and think.

What would you do if, all of a sudden, your favorite source of books was unavailable?

Whether it’s a local book shop, your town library, or an internet shop … what would you do if, suddenly, they were out of business? Devastatingly, and with no warning? Where would you go for books instead? What would you do? If it was a local business you would try to help out the owners? Would you just calmly start buying from some other store? Visit the library in the next town instead? Would it be devastating? Or just a blip in your reading habit?

I am a regular patron of three major bookstores and one used bookstore, and they are all located in town. My neighbourhood does not have a bookstore. Well, there used to be a used bookstore in our neighbouring shopping mall but it had closed down last year. I do not really missed it though, for it had so little varieties to choose from and most of their books looked so old and worn that I do not think I would even want to keep them even though if I have enjoyed reading them. However, there is a public library next to this shopping mall but I hardly visit any of them nowadays.

I guess I would rely on the online bookstores if the physical ones are not accessible, and I know I will miss them terribly. I love visiting bookstores. Looking at the new releases on shelves always excites me. I think the only thing that is devastating is if one day the publishers decided that they no longer want to print the books but to release them in electronic format. I wouldn't know what to do then.

17 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I'd miss going into bookstore just to look too! I don't think I'd mind electronic books too much, as long as I could still borrow them from a library.

  2. Kat Says:

    I'm a big fan of used bookstores too. I love going there, scouring the shelves and often coming up with great bargains. In good condition too.

    I wish we had better public libraries here though. Bookstores are all great for those who can afford to buy them, but what about those who can't?

  3. S. Krishna Says:

    I like browsing too - I find a ton of good books that way that I never would have discovered otherwise!

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I'd be lost if non-electronic books became obsolete too! And I too love bookstores. However they reveal my character flaws... I come home with books that excited me because they were bargains, or have attractive covers, and read fewer of them than the ones I buy at the library.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Oops! I mean check out of the library. :-)

  6. CJ Says:

    Wow! How lucky you have so many stores in your area!

    Mine's up.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Oh, I hadn't even considered the possibility of publishers ending the publication of actual books. I'd be devastated. Reading is about so much more than just the words on the page--it's the feeling of the book in your hand, the smell of the paper, having the opportunity to underline and make notes in it and look at the cover. Oh, it would be a sad day, indeed.

  8. Amy Says:

    Though I would love to have a Kindle, I wouldn't like the idea of non-electronic books not being available.


  9. Anonymous Says:

    I have found that one of the things I like most about going to the bookstore is chatting with the people about books. What books we've read and loved, what books we've read and hated, and what books we'd reccommend. Jan, the bookstore manager, alwars makes great suggestions for me.

  10. Alice Says:

    With the physical bookstores quite out of reach these days due to my not-so-new job, I am relying on online ones. Thank goodness the local brick-and-mortar ones also have their online stores, so I'm not deprived at all. In fact, I think I'm more actively buying than ever before. LOL.

  11. SmilingSally Says:

    Like you, I have many sources to go for books.

  12. Melody Says:

    Jennifer - I'd really miss the physical bookstores if they go out of business! Just seeing those books on shelves and browsing them always cheers me up!

    Kat - I love visiting used bookstores! Sometimes I could even find some out-of-print books from them with a resonable price. I share your views about the public libraries being a great source for those who can't afford to buy books. It'd be a pity if they do not have a good system or their sources are limited.

    Krishna - I feel the same thing too! :)

    Writer2b - I can't pass up any bargains at the bookstores! I know I'll surely buy something. ;)

    CJ - I think so too! I'd be bummed if any of them decides to close down in future.

    Readerville, Amy - Exactly! I love the feeling of holding the books and flipping the pages. It's a completely different feeling from reading an e-book.

    Koolaidmom - Ah yes! Those friendly staff are like friends to us, isn't it?

    Alice - I know the feeling! Buying them onlines are so convenient, but nothing beats the physical bookstores in our opinions eh? ;)

    Smilingsal - I'm glad to have several sources to shop for my books. I wouldn't know what to do without them.

  13. There is something special about being able to browse the shelves of a bookstore or library in person. I would miss it too if I had to give that up.

  14. Melody Says:

    I share the same sentiments, Wendy! :)

  15. I love to browse. And more in the second hand book stores!

    One finds treasures.

    Here is my BTT post

  16. Julia Says:

    I sometime rely on online bookstores too. But I tend to just check the local bookstore first before I jump to online bookstore :)

  17. Melody Says:

    Gautami - I'm hoping to find more used bookstores so I can find more 'treasures' in them! ;)

    Julia - Me too. I'll check with the physical stores before I go online because it's always fun to look and browse at books! :D

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