

All questions this week are courtesy of Sherry.

1. If I could be a fly on the wall I would be wary of any signs of danger around me.

2. Jealousy is meaningless because not only it will cause misery to yourself but to others as well.

3. When I see a shooting star my wish would be that all my dreams will come true.

4. I'd rather be eating the same food than going hungry any day!

5. Certain songs when I hear them make me wanna cry because they always bring back fond memories.

6. If time were in a bottle I will always carry it along with me and never let it go.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to reading some more of The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory, tomorrow my plans include household chores, organizing some stuff at home and Sunday, I want to spend more time with my family!

10 Responses
  1. Alice Says:

    What a great way to spend your weekend, Melody! :)

    I'll be spending time with family too and since my youngest brother is back from his National Service break, we're taking him out! Yay! He's going back to his camp on Monday.

  2. Melody Says:

    National Service is always tough! :( I hope you've a great weekend with your family, Alice! :)

  3. Hi Melody. I enjoyed reading your answers and I had a laugh at #4 - it's because that's what I do! You seem to have a pretty good book to read this weekend... have fun!

  4. Debi Says:

    As usual, it sounds like you have the perfect weekend in store! Hope it's a wonderful, relaxing one!

  5. Iliana Says:

    How are you enjoying The Other Boleyn Girl? I really liked it. I found it funny that I felt like I was racing towards the end of the book and all along thinking we know how this story ends! :)
    Have a great weekend Melody.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    I could certainly agree with same-old same-old rather than going hungry.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Julia Says:

    I love listen to my favorite songs since it does bring back fond memories. Most of the songs I like are oldies and some just had it meaning to it that could describe myself. I hope you able to do all the things you want to do for the weekend....good luck on your reading :)

  8. Flies do have to be careful. :-) Especially if I have a swatter in my hand. I hope you have a great weekend, Melody. I hope you are enjoying The Other Boleyn Girl.

  9. Melody Says:

    ZJ - Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

    Debi - I had a relaxing weekend. I hope you enjoy your weekend too! :)

    Iliana - I'm really enjoying the book. It's so intriguing! I can't wait to read the ending of this story. Hope you've a great weekend. :)

    Koolaidmom - Hope you've a lovely weekend! :)

    Julia - I especially love the songs from the 80s. They always bring me some memories... Hope you're enjoying the book you're reading. :)

    Wendy - I hope you've a great weekend too! :) The book is great! It's been some time since I've picked up a historical book to read, and I'm glad this one hasn't disappoint me so far.

  10. Janet Says:

    You had some great answers; thanks for playing :-)

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