I was in a book-shopping mood yesterday. Just look at these titles I bought!!! I am so excited to see Laurell K Hamilton, Karen Robard, Nicci French and Paul Eddy's books on the shelves. (Note: Paul Eddy's Flint's Law isn't a new release, and since I am currently reading his book and am loving it, so I am interested to read his older releases). And as for the rest, they are new authors to me.

Warrior Angel by Margaret and Lizz Weis

Scent of Shadows: The First Sign of the Zodiac by Vicki Pettersson

Danse Macabre by Laurell K Hamilton

Vanished by Karen Robards

The Dollmaker by Amanda Stevens

Flint's Law by Paul Eddy

Losing You by Nicci French
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6 Responses
  1. Oh! Those are some good titles. Let me get my pen and a piece of paper . . .

    I've read one on your list, Danse Macabre, but not the others. Yet.

  2. Melody Says:

    You have read Danse Macabre!!! Wait...don't tell me what happened...LOL! ;)

  3. Don't worry. :-) Mum's the word!

  4. Julia Says:

    I reconize some of the authors but I don't read them. But it seem to be great list of books you got there! Let me know how you like them :)

  5. Melody Says:

    Sure I will, Julia. :)

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