
1. Speaking of writing in books, what about writing the entire thing? Do you write? Aspire to write? Dream about writing?

Yes, I love writing. It has always been my passion. I have written a few short stories, and even tried a novella during Nanowrimo last year (you need to write at least 50k words). It was fun, and till now I cannot believe myself completing it. Now a little pressure here and there isn't really a bad thing huh? ;)

2. If you do write, do you do it for yourself, or because you hope to be published? (Or because you ARE published?)

I'm doing it because I love writing. They are my babies, and are like part of me. Some of my stories are based on the things I heard or seen, while some are my thoughts, and the rest...are purely my imaginations. :) Of course I hope to be published, who wouldn't? Two of my short stories were published by Clevermag some time ago, and I haven't been submitting any stories to them lately, but I will try to do so again.

Don't forget to leave a link to your actual response in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!

12 Responses
  1. Julia Says:

    Hey Melody - I'm excited for you that you participated in Nanowrimo last year and can tell you had great time with it :)

    I know I already said it, but congrats again on your two short stories that were published by Clevermag. So proud of you :)

    Happy Booking Through Thursday! Here is Mine!

  2. Kat Says:

    Oh wow! You finished your work! It's my second year to join and I don't think I got past 1000 words each year. Urg. Hey, any chance I can read what you wrote?

  3. Melody Says:

    Hi Kat, thanks for stopping by. It's my second year to join too and I didn't complete during the first year, but last year I told myself I was NOT going to give up! Glad I didn't, hehe.

    Gosh, no one has read my Nanowrimo work...yet. *blush* And I usually have my works critiqued first before I forwarded them to the readers, even friends. LOL! Maybe I can send you my first chapter?? ;P

  4. NaNo is a hoot! I've done it two years in a row, and "won" both times. One of those books is being polished for submission even as we speak.

    Good luck with getting published.

    Here are my answers!

  5. Melody Says:

    Hi Marianne, thanks for stopping by! Wow, two time winners in a row! Congrats!!! Maybe I will see ya around this year, hehe...if I decided to do it again. :)

  6. Darla Says:

    I always love the idea of Nanowrimo, but NOVEMBER. It's got Thanksgiving, which is always a huge undertaking for me, and November's usually when I do the bulk of my Christmas shopping....

    Of course it occurs to me that I could find excuses for all 12 months.

    Hmmm. Maybe I should rethink that excuse. What the heck. I have 8 months to come up with a better one. *rolling my eyes*

  7. Unknown Says:

    You actually did Nanowrimo! Very cool. I doubt I could do that without quitting my day job.

  8. den Says:

    Wow! I tried Nanowrimo but I was so busy with work that I only wrote about 5000 words! I did enjoy writing though and I though the story would have turned out fine if I just stuck with it. I'm really thrilled that you have some stories already published! Submit more. I know you can do it!

  9. Oh how wonderful! Nanowrimo is a huge achievement, be proud :) And I hope you get something published, but just keep writing!

  10. Melody Says:

    Darla, you can do it!!! Just keep on writing, LOL!

    Happy BTT!

  11. Melody Says:

    Sarala, most of the times I did the Nanowrimo while I had some breaks in the office, LOL! And yeah, I was up a few nights when I had some ideas for the plots!!! The hubs thought I was crazy.

    Denise, thanks for stopping by! I agree work does take the time away from our writing, but as long as we write, that's considered an accomplishment, and we should be proud of it! ;)

    Stacy, I was thrilled! LOL. I'm hoping I will participate this year again...hmm...if work isn't very busy that is!

  12. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!

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