ISBN-13: 978-0099520320
Publication: July 2013
Publisher: Vintage
Format: Trade Paperback, 432 pgs
Source: Personal Library

First of all, Happy New Year to you! I hope last year is a great reading year for many of you; as for me I've to say my reading has been slow for last year so I'm hoping that this year will be a better one. 

Back to the subject, I'm sure many readers have heard of Jo Nesbo, especially for those who are avid readers of crime thrillers. As for me, I'm ashamed to say I've not read his books yet but it's always better to read it now than never, right? So I picked up the first Harry Hole thriller, The Bat. There are a series featuring this smart investigator and I've heard so many good things about this series so I knew I'd be in for a good (reading) ride. 

Harry Hole is with the Norwegian police force and he is asked to investigate a murder case together with the Australian's police. The victim, Inger Holter was a Norwegian girl residing in Australia and the Australian's police thought that Harry Hole would be able to provide some assistance. Harry is being introduced and partnered to Andrew Kensington, an Australian Aborigine and homicide detective for the Sydney's Police. Despite the difference of their culture, environment and other issues, Harry acquainted with Andrew in no time and they started to share bits of their history aside from information surrounding the case. 

Unlike my previous reviews, I'd not delve into the synopsis so this time around I'd share what I think of this book instead. From the beginning, Inger Holter's boyfriend is approached as a huge suspect, considering he was a local drug lord and it seemed that they had had a huge disagreement prior to Inger's murder. However, as the story goes, it soon delves into Australian aboriginal culture and folklore which I felt pull my attention away from the plot itself. Don't get me wrong, I think it is always interesting to learn more about other cultures and history, but I just felt the thrill of the investigation part isn't strong enough. However, I liked it that the characterization of Harry Hole isn't a perfect one; he was flawed and he has a past which makes him think twice about drinking and I think that makes him more human rather than just a fictional hero. Plus, I think a perfect hero is simply boring, ha. 

Having said all that, I will continue to read the rest of Jo Nesbo's books, since I have a few of them sitting on my shelf. And I have a few blogger friends who have raved about them so that concludes everything. 

5 Responses
  1. Sandy Nawrot Says:

    I've not read the first two books in the series because they waited until THE VERY END TO TRANSLATE THEM! Drives me nuts. I did start where they The Redbreast and moved through them all. Some I like more than others, and honestly towards the end, I was getting fed up with his 2 billion red herrings and manipulations. Still Harry is a great character, and the story is a pretty taught and solid thriller series.

  2. Happy New Year Melody!! I hope all is well with you and your little family. I haven't read any of these but the series was on sale for Kindle the other day so I got The Redbreast (which was the first one translated to English). I'm not sure The Bat was included! Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting Harry Hole!

  3. Iliana Says:

    So good to see you blogging Melody! I hope you enjoyed the holidays with your family.

    Have not read any of the Nesbo books but I want to. I still love Scandinavian crime fiction.

  4. Melody Says:

    Sandy - I remember seeing 'The Redbreast' and initially thought it is the first Harry Hole book, until the publisher released 'The Bat' at a much later date and stated this is the first book. OK, I've to admit I'm not good in following books in order but I thought they should released accordingly, ha. Anyway, always better than never, right?

    Trish - How're you? And how's your daughters? I love seeing pics of them and they're beautiful, just like their mom! :) I hope you enjoy 'The Redbreast'!

    Iliana - We had a wonderful holidays! I hope you'd a wonderful holidays as well! The time passes too quickly, huh? I'm hoping to read more Scandinavian crime fiction alongside with the American/UK crime fiction. It is one of my favourite genres to read and there're so many great authors out there to choose from. I just wish I could do nothing but read all the time, lol.

  5. The Bookworm Says:

    Happy New Year Melody! It's nice to see you blogging!
    I haven't read any Jo Nesbo but I have heard of this author before.

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