ISBN-13: 9780670021390
Publisher: Penguin Group (USA)
Published: January 2010
320 pgs
Source: Library

Saving CeeCee Honeycutt has been getting lots of rave reviews over the blogosphere so needless to say, my curiosity is piqued and I was thrilled to borrow a copy from the library.

Narrated by 12-year-old Cecelia Rose Honeycutt (CeeCee), she shares her story of living and taking care of her mentally sick mother to how much her life has changed after living with her great aunt Tootie in Savannah due to her mother's passing.

Through Beth Hoffman's beautiful prose and skilful writing, she has brought CeeCee and the other characters to life and I have to say I was on an emotional roller-coaster throughout my reading experience. I felt sorry for CeeCee right from the beginning and thinking how life has been unfair to her; at her age she should be having a happy and carefree life and not having so many reponsibilities dumped onto her. Her father, instead of being there for the family, chose to escape and find a new life in another woman.

At this point, I had great admiration for CeeCee for she seems to be able to take things in her stride despite anything, and instead of feeling sorry for herself she used this opportunity to bury herself in books. I felt relieved for her when her great aunt Tootie comes along and whisk her away from Ohio to Savannah. There, CeeCee made her acquaintance with Tootie's cook, Oletta and a few of Tootie's friends. Some of them are witty and fun to be with, while some are eccentric and gossipy. Either way, CeeCee's life is never bored with them around.

In a nutshell, Saving CeeCee Honeycutt is a heartwarming story of a young girl who has found hope and friendship after the loss of her mother. It is no doubt an uplifting story which I think would inspire many readers. Here's a few extracts from the book that I'd like to share with regard to Aunt Tootie's advice to CeeCee.
... "Life is full of change, honey. That's how we learn and grow..."
"It's not a book you can see or touch. It's a book that's held deep within your heart. It's guarded by your spirit... .
When a chapter of your Life Book is complete, your spirit knows it's time to turn the page so a new chapter can begin. Even when you're scared or think you're not ready, your spirit knows you are." (Pg 41)
(Click here for other bookbloggers' reviews.)
16 Responses
  1. bermudaonion Says:

    I loved this book too! Now you need to plan a trip to Savannah!

  2. Julia Says:

    I love to read story that is heartwarming and inspired readers. This is great review Melody! Glad to see you enjoy the book :)

  3. Lisa Says:

    I don't think I've read a single review where the reviewer didn't love this book. It seems to be this years' "The Help."

  4. Sandy Nawrot Says:

    I'm the last person on earth to have read this book I think. I have it on my shelves, just haven't gotten to it. But I'm certain I will love it. Savannah is an incredible city...magical and atmospheric. Any story set there is going to work.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Glad to see you enjoyed this book as much as I did!


  6. Iliana Says:

    Great review Melody! This sounds like such a sweet story. I read another story recently about a young southern girl trying to make the best of life. I may have to put this one on hold to sort of get the other one out of my mind but definitely it's on my list!

  7. Serena Says:

    I really enjoyed this book. I thought the story was so heartwarming.

  8. Tash Says:

    been reading a lot of good reviews about this book. Hopefully, I'll be able to read it soon.

  9. The Bookworm Says:

    I've heard lots of good things about this one. Great review!

  10. Anonymous Says:

    I loved this one! Glad you did yoo :)

  11. I really enjoyed Saving CeeCee Honeycutt; glad to read yet another positive review --great job.

  12. Ceri Says:

    Aww, this sounds like such a lovely book. I'm adding it to my wishlist right now because I loved your review and it sounds like one I'd really like to read. :)

  13. Melody Says:

    Hi, everyone! Thanks so much for your comments! I'm glad to see many readers enjoyed this book too! And for those who haven't read it, you need to do so soon! ;)

  14. joanna Says:

    Sounds great, I'll add it to the wishlist!

  15. Another confirmation that I've been living under a rock these past few months--I haven't heard about this one!! It does sound good, though, and I really like southern literature. And with an aunt named Tootie, how can you go wrong. :)

  16. Darlene Says:

    I'm so glad you liked this book as well. It's one of my favorites so far this year.

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