Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about the read-a-thon…
Are you planning on participating in the upcoming 24 Hour Read-a-thon (either as a reader or cheerleader)? Have you made any preparations for the event? And, veterans out there, any tips you’d like to share with the newbies?
I have not joined any of the read-a-thon since I know it is impossible for me to read a book (let alone a few books!) without any interruption from my two young children at home. Still, I know it is so much fun and I hope to participate in another year or two when they are much older and do not need my attention so much.
I also find it fun to read what other particpants have chosen to read for the read-a-thon and I look forward to reading their posts when that day for the event arrives! I am not sure if I have the opportunity to logon the computer and cheer everyone on (my regular readers will know I hardly access to my computer during the weekends) but I will be with you all in spirit!
So are you participating as a reader or a cheerleader in the upcoming read-a-thon?
When’s the last time you weeded out your library? Do you regularly keep it pared down to your reading essentials? Or does it blossom into something out of control the minute you turn your back, like a garden after a Spring rain?
Or do you simply not get rid of books? At all?
And–when you DO weed out books from your collection (assuming that you do) …what do you do with them? Throw them away (gasp)? Donate them to a charity or used bookstore? SELL them to a used bookstore? Trade them on Paperback Book Swap or some other exchange program?
I was late for this but I loved last week's question so I will answer them anyway.
I have not weeded my library for some time. I used to categorize my books in genre but I have given up doing so after I have lose control of buying and adding books to my pile so nowadays, they are categorized as 'read' or 'unread'. I try to keep all the books I read into boxes but that is becoming an issue to me since I am running out of space for everything (be it the TBR pile or books I read).
I do not believe in throwing books away as I know there is bound to be someone out there who would appreciate them so I will either put them on my inventory list on BookMooch, host a giveaway at my blog or donate them to any organizations who are in need of them.
What about you? What would you do to the books that you do not want to keep?

Jemima from The Reading Journey passed on a "One Lovely Blog Award" to me and I cannot thank her enough for this! I am new to Jemima's blog but I am very happy to discover her blog and added it to my Google Reader list.
I will pass this lovely award to a few blogs I have discovered lately:
- Melissa of Book Nut
- Steph Su of Steph Su Reads
- Stacy of Stacy's Books
Aw, thanks for the award, Mel! Your blog looks lovely. :)
Thanks so much, from one lovely blog to another :)
I can imagine how difficult it would be to do the read-a-thon with two little ones. It's tough enough with a husband! ;)
I really need to weed out my shelves--I've been thinking about joining Bookmooch but heaven knows I don't need any more books! :)
Hope you have a wonderful week, Melody!
I imagine the constant interruptions could be a problem when it comes to the read-a-thon. :-) I cannot participate this time around either. Someday . . .
I need to weed out my library again. I try and do it every six months at least. Like you, I am running out of space for my books.
I usually give away the books I no longer want. It's hard for me to let go of books though.
Thanks for being with us in spirit, Melody - the thought very much counts :D And we look forward to having you join a few years down the road, when your girls are older :)
Steph & Stacy - Thank you! I love reading your blog. :)
Trish - You don't have to mooch more books if you don't want to. Just keep the points and only mooch the books that you want badly!! :P
I hope you've a wonderful week too, Trish!
Wendy - Weeding every six months sounds good to me, Wendy! I wish I am that organized as you. Or perhaps I'm just plain lazy, haha. :P
Nymeth - I feel bad but that's the best I could do, Nymeth! ;) I'll definitely let you know if I'm going to join in the next few years!! :P
With two small children, it does get difficult to do a readathon. However, you read a lot and thats a good thing!
Mondays: Musings/Mailbox Bonanza/Whereabouts
I'm not participating either. I enjoy watching people's updates during the 24 hours and I know that I'll go a bit stir-crazy if I have to sit reading for a whole day (as much as I love my books!) :)
Oops, and Congratulations on your award, hun. :) Totally deserve it - yours is one of my faves!
Yeah, I'm wondering when I will actually be able to do the read-a-thon! My daughter actually wants to do it with me, but pray tell if there will ever be a break in our weekend schedules! It sounds like heaven, doesn't it?
I can't wait until the day you can join in on the read-a-thon, Melody! Then again, I don't want to rush it...because those years when kiddos are little go by way too fast as it is.
I'm not doing it either. I just have too many things going on, but I wish everyone who is participating good luck with it!
Congratulations on the award, Melody!
I won't be doing the read-a-thon too because there are simply too many things happening over the weekends. LOL!
I probably won't be able to do the hourly update either because I'll be reading. :) I plan to stop by the coffee shop at usual and read a couple hours there.
Congratulations on your award. :)
I'm going to be a cheerleader :)
Aw, shucks! Thanks so much for the award. :-D
I'll be cheering them my mind. :-)
I'm not doing the read-a-thon, but I'm sure I'll cheer some. Congratulations on your award!
Gautami - I do most of my reading during my commute so I'm glad! :P
Ceri - Thanks, Ceri! I love reading your blog too! :D
Sandy - I think it's so fun to participate and read along with your children!!
Debi - Exactly! And you'll be among the first to know if I'm able to join!! :P
Yvonne - It's fun to be cheerleaders too! :D
Alice - Aww...I was hoping you're able to join! ;)
Matt - I can't wait to see what you're reading for the read-a-thon!
Lenore - That's great, Lenore!
Melissa - You're welcome, Melissa! :)
Caite - Me too! ;)
Kathy - Let's all cheer together for the participants! :D
It can be really difficult with 2 young kids melody. I'm not sure I could do it too.
Congrats on the award :)
Congrats on the award! You deserve it! I don't think I will be able to participate, since I will be giving birth soon:)
Me too, as much as I want to join in - I don't think I be able to read in 24 hours. I'm pretty much always busy on the weekend although when I do read, it only for few hours - not 24 hours ;)
I will be cheering for the people who are participating, in spirit too! :)
Violet - Thanks! It sure is difficult finding the time to read with my two children at home! ;)
Andreea - Thanks! Oh, I'm so thrilled for you! You'll have to keep us informed! :D
Julia - My weekends are usually reserved for my family and of course, not to mention doing those household chores! :P