
ISBN-13: 9780451224750
Publisher: Penguin Group (USA)
Published: August 2008

First sentence: Victoria opened her eyes.

Victoria Gardella Grantworth de Lacy returns to London after her taut encounter and an attack with vampire Beauregard. Though she has her two vis bullae to thank for from being turned to an undead, she still feels the uncertainty as there is vampire blood flowing in her veins after all.

To complicate things, now she is unable to detect the vampires with her heightened senses and to make things worse, some vampires appear to be stalking the streets of London during the daylight and Victoria is held as a suspect behind all these mysterious attacks.

Besides fighting against the darkness in herself, she is also torn between Sebastian Vioget, the great grandson of Beauregard but is now taking his role as a Venator, and Maximilian Pesaro, an ex-Venator who had lost his power in order to break the control of vampire queen, Lilith.

I would say this instalment is focused more on Victoria fighting with her inner self, dealing with her emotional issues and her mixed feelings towards Sebastian and Max than the action scenes as compared to the other instalments. However, readers would be thrilled to read more of Lilith in this instalment as she is back into her actions and Victoria will come face to face with her again.

Colleen Gleason has once again succeeded in captivating her readers in When Twilight Burns with fine woven plots and compelling characters that will definitely leave them hunger for more. Be sure to look out for the next instalment As Shadows Fade to be released in March 2009.

Other Blogs' reviews:
Musings of a Bookish Kitty (Guest Appearance: Colleen Gleason)
(Let me know if I have missed your review.)
9 Responses
  1. Ladytink_534 Says:

    I have never even heard a whisper of a bad review of these books. Everyone seems to love them! I've been meaning to put in an ILL for the first one but I haven't been to the library in a few weeks (I've been sending hubby by on his way home to pick up my stuff lol).

  2. Alice Says:

    I still haven't started on Book 3... Great review, Melody!

  3. Melody Says:

    Jen - I'm hoping you'll read this series soon! ;)

    Alice - Thanks! :) I'm sure you'll get to it soon. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Oohhh ... sounds good!

    My BTT post was about how I finally ventured into the realm of vampire stores with Twilight and really liked it!

  5. So glad you enjoyed it. I am really looking forward to seeing how she ties up this series with the next book. The ARC cannot come too soon!!!

  6. Now you are ahead of me in the series. :-) I am glad you enjoyed this one.

  7. Melody Says:

    Zeek - Thanks! I'll add your link to mine.

    Shana - I love Twilight series! I'm glad you enjoyed them as well. ;)

    Carl - I'm too looking forward to the next book! I can't wait to find out what happened next!!

    Wendy - I enjoyed reading this series so much! Colleen Gleason is now one of my favourite authors! ;)

  8. Stephanie Says:

    While I don't think this was my favorite book of the series, I still loved it!!! I just read it last week!! So....did you like the way the romance turned in this book? I'm curious to find out!

  9. Melody Says:

    It's not my favourite book of the series either, Stephanie, but yes I enjoyed it nonetheless! ;) Well, honestly I'm not so sure about the romance part though... and who knows where it might lead towards the end! ;P

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