
Booking Through Thursday

Suggested by JM:

I was looking through books yesterday at the shops and saw all the Twilight books, which I know basically nothing about. What I do know is that I’m beginning to feel like I’m the *only* person who knows nothing about them.

Despite being almost broke and trying to save money, I almost bought the expensive book (Australian book prices are often completely nutty) just because I felt the need to be ‘up’ on what everyone else was reading.

Have you ever felt pressured to read something because ‘everyone else’ was reading it? Have you ever given in and read the book(s) in question or do you resist? If you are a reviewer, etc, do you feel it’s your duty to keep up on current trends?

Well, I would be lying if I say no. There are times I do feel a little pressured for wanting to read something everyone else are reading. I try not to succumb to the urge of buying it immediately and I guess it has to depend on the situations, for example, is the book a hardcover? As we all know, hardcovers are more expensive. Also, I will have to ask myself if the story is good enough for me to pick it up. What everyone thinks is a good read does not mean I will like it.

I suppose being a reviewer has to keep up on the current trends in one way or another; after all he/she cannot possibly only review the older releases. For me, I will try to read the books which are sent to me for review first; this is my way of saying thank you to the senders for forwarding the books to me, and I know they are eager to read the reviews as soon as possible.

25 Responses
  1. Alice Says:

    Hi Melody, I share the same thoughts. I, too, will wait if the hardcover or trade paperbacks will be available in mass paperbacks soon. For example, River Secrets by Shannon Hale. I have her two earlier books but awaiting the third one with the help of Kinokuniya. They will alert me once the paperback is available.

    It's very nice of you to read books sent for your review first. That's a great and thoughtful way of saying thank-you. :)

  2. Melody Says:

    Hi Alice, I'm glad we share the same thoughts. Usually I'll try to wait for the paperbacks, unless they're the books I want badly or if my impatience overrides everything! LOL.

    I'm hoping the paperbacks of River Secrets will release soon; I've this book in my pile and I'm hoping to read it one day soon. :)

  3. SmilingSally Says:

    It is a nice way of thanking the provider of the book, however, your time has value.

  4. Melody Says:

    Smilingsal - LOL. First comes first serves.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    I guess I have mixed thoughts on this one. It's good that you review the sent books first. But sometimes, if half way through, if you absolutely do not like the book, it's a pain to complete it.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Good answer. I share some of your thoughts.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    I tend to buy hardbacks because the last longer and I reread my books multiple times.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    I also tend to bump review books up to the top of my stack, and I review them in order of release date, but I do try to mix in a healthy dose of books from my personal TBR list, just to keep it all balanced.

  9. Josette Says:

    I almost never buy hardcovers as they're pricey! Also, the paperback is easier and lighter to hold. :)

    It's the same with me too. I try to read ARCs which are sent to me. I feel guilty if I don't read them first!

  10. Ana S. Says:

    My answer to this would be yes and no. If I see many people raving about a book I might decide to buy it, not so much to keep up but because their enthusiasm is contagious. But on the other hand, too much hype about a book can sometimes put me off a little.

    I almost always wait for paperbacks as well. I only open exceptions for my very favourite authors.

  11. Setting priorities- like review books come first- and knowing your limits are both really important ideas. Hard to pull off sometimes but important and it's certainly what I strive for. :-)

  12. Anonymous Says:

    I never thought of it as "peer pressure" before, but it seems a terrific remark to describe the whole marketing and advertising overwhelm of books. Especially when a book shows up on a little of different blogs, I can't help but wonder what I'm missing.

  13. I also read my review copies immediately, but I also only agree to review things I am interested in.
    Great answer :)

  14. Anonymous Says:

    I pick the ones that interest me the most out of a wave of new books. As far as reading concerns, I staick with contemporary fiction, books that are written in 19th and 20th centuries.

  15. Melody Says:

    Violetcrush - I know that feeling! I always give the books a second chance, but if after reading a few more chapters and if they still don't get my attention, I give up. But then again, most of the times I request books which are right up my alley. ;)

    Janet - Thanks! :)

    Bluestocking - I only buy hardcovers when I want to read the books badly. Hardcovers are inconvenient to carry around so I'll try to wait for the paperbacks if I can, but I agree they last longer.

    Rjsbooklady - Yep, that's me too. ;)

    Josette - Glad we share the same thoughts. As for reviewer copies, I'll try to read whatever which sparks my interest first.

    Nymeth - I agree curiosity is the first thing that allows me to pick up the books, but if they don't interest me after reading a few chapters, I will give up.

    Marie - Setting priorities is definitely a must to me, but then again I'll also try to read with an open mind and whenever the mood strikes.

    Bookchronicle - I'm with you about wondering what I've missed. I'd want to know what everyone is reading, just out of curiosity. ;)

    Joanne - That's me too. I'll only request books which interest me, but occasionally I'll give in to new books/authors because you never know what you'll miss. ;)

    Matt - Yep, I don't read all the books which have received all the hypes. And I'm beginning to read some classics due to recommendations from some fellow book bloggers. :)

  16. Kat Says:

    I do try to read what's new, but usually I steer clear of popular novels... until they're about a few years old hehe. I'd like to decide what to read rather than have people tell me. I'm not much a fan of vampires though, so I skipped out on Twilight.

  17. Anonymous Says:

    I have plenty of books I have been sent to review, so I don't feel particularly bad about not reading the latest thing out there. And I've only bought a hardcover once, but that was only because the hardcover had special artwork in it that the paperback didn't have and I had already fallen in love with the story.

  18. Melody Says:

    Kat - I read Stephenie Meyer's books way before the hype started. I'm glad the series have lived up to the expectations though. :) As for the popular novels, I'm always curious to pick them up to have a glance at the blurb but if they don't interest me, I won't read them.

    JM - Having too many ARCs to read can be overwhelming at times, so usually I'll try to review books which spark my interests.

  19. Yvonne Says:

    I'm the same way about review books. I try to get to those first.

    I agree about the hardcovers, too.

  20. Melody Says:

    Yvonne - Thanks for visiting! I'm glad we share the same thoughts. :)

  21. Anonymous Says:

    I always wait for the paperback

  22. Melody Says:

    Charli - I'll try to wait for the paperbacks too if possible, unless I've decided I cannot wait much longer. ;)

  23. Jeane Says:

    I try to avoid calling myself "a reviewer" to stay away from that feeling of obligation! I read solely for my own enjoyment, enlightenment and education- blogging just happens to be a great way to share all that.

  24. I may have to answer this question when I get back from vacation. It is a good one this week!

    I think that much of my reading is a result of the influence of my friends and fellow readers. It is not a bad thing though as that is so often where I get my recommendations from. If a book is getting many good reviews and the book interests me, I will probably want to read it too. Is that peer pressure or plain interest?

  25. Melody Says:

    Jeane - I understand what you mean. :) Most of my piles are books I bought on my own or through recommendations from fellow book bloggers, so most often I do not really have the 'pressure' of reading them for the sake of reviewing.

    Wendy - I can't wait to read your answer after you're back from your vacation. If you ask me regarding your last question, I think it's definitely 'plain interest'. ;)

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