
ISBN-13: 9780451221469
Publisher: Penguin Group (USA)
Published: June 2007
Series: Gardella Vampire Chronicles Series #2

This second instalment picks up right after the end of the previous instalment. Victoria Gardella is still recovering from the shock of the tragedy that happened so quickly that had left her numbed, but she knows she could not afford to waste more time in dwelling too much of the past for she must continue to fight against the evil as what every Venator should do.

Here, she meets up with Sebastian Vioget once again by chance. Though she is still not sure if she could trust him entirely, she could feel there is a slight mutual attraction lingering between them. But of course she would not allow such minor issue to take over her mind, since she has learned that a major tragedy is going to descend upon earth if she and other Venators could not stop it in time. With an indestructible object known as Akvan's Obelisk, it is a large spearlike stone made from obsidian and as legend states, once it is activated, it gives a vampire or a demon capabilities to call on and control the souls of the dead. And if that happens, the evil will not be defeated for no one would be able to fight an army of that strength and number.

Victoria travels to Italy in the hope of gaining this powerful artifact before Nedas, the son of the Vampire Queen activates it. During her stay there, she has acquired a few information on the formation of The Tutela, an ancient secret society whereby members protect and provide services to the vampires; one such service is bringing the mortals to the undead for their pleasure and nourishment in exchange for immortality.

Besides watching out for the artifact, the vampires and members of The Tutela, Victoria also shows her vulnerable side when faced with several emotional issues such as questions of trust, betrayal and the meaning and act of sacrifice.

Once again, Colleen Gleason has weaved an intrigue, intense and fast-paced story in Rises the Night. Do not expect any cliché in this story as it is filled with suspense, not to mention a few twists and turns along the way. Besides having more action scenes in this second instalment, it is also darker and very emotional intense. I have to admit I am hooked to this series because they are getting better and better; another reason is each instalment always ends with a cliff-hanger so I cannot wait to find out what would happen next.

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7 Responses
  1. Alice Says:

    Hi Melody! I can't wait any longer. Looks like I have to start on the first book now. (And it's got nothing to do with peer pressure) LOL.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I only read the final paragraph of your review as I still haven't started this series (I know I am rubbish). Looks like you enjoyed the second installment which is always good. Some series tend to start to drop off after a promising start. I hope you enjoy the next one even more!

  3. I've been consistently surprised by Colleen's books and cannot wait until the final installment comes out in March. I'm glad you enjoyed this one and think you'll enjoy book three even more!

  4. Ana S. Says:

    I'm glad you're enjoying these so much, Melody!

  5. Melody Says:

    Alice - I'm glad to hear you're going to start reading this series soon! I can't wait to read your reviews. :)

    Rhinoa - I'm hoping you'd read it soon! I tried not to reveal any spoiler while typing up this post, and even though if I did unintentionally, I tried to keep it to a minimal. ;) I can't wait to get to the last book!

    Carl - Thanks for visiting! I'm a lurker of your blog and I enjoy reading your blog so much! Yes, I'm enjoying Colleen's books and I'm really looking forward to reading her next instalment as well as the final instalment in March! :)

    Nymeth - I do! As I said, I can't wait to find out what'd happen next! ;)

  6. I am glad you are continuing to enjoy this series, Melody. :-) The next one is even better!

  7. Melody Says:

    Wendy - This series keeps getting better and better, isn't it? :)

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