
Booking Through ThursdayCheck Spelling

Are your book choices influenced by friends and family? Do their recommendations carry weight for you? Or do you choose your books solely by what you want to read?

I am late for this week's question, but I loved the topics so here I am.

I love looking at books, and with so many variety I have to choose the books I want to read. That said, I also have to say most of my book choices nowadays are influenced by fellow bookbloggers. I like seeing what other readers are reading; and I always look up for recommendations if I know we have the similar taste in the books we read. Sometimes, I do check out books that are out of my comfort zones if the premise really interest me. It is always good to expand our reading horizons, isn't it?

What about you?

12 Responses
  1. Jeane Says:

    Most of the books I want to read come from other book bloggers, too. My family/friends make recommendations to me sometimes, as well. So there's always something new to read!

  2. Violet Says:

    Same here. Most of my book choices come from book bloggers too.

  3. Melody Says:

    Jeane - My family and friends are not huge readers, and I cannot imagine how my TBR pile would look like if they are, on top of all the recommendations by other bookbloggers. :P

    Violet - Aren't we glad to be part of this community? :)

  4. Julia Says:

    Same for me, book influenced by my friends first, then group reading and bookbloggers :)

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  5. Ana S. Says:

    Book bloggers are definitely also my number one influence. No surprise there, right? ;)

  6. Melody Says:

    Ana - Yep, no surprise at all! :P

  7. Iliana Says:

    Most of my reading wish list is made up by recommendations from my book blogging friends. I'm always finding out about new books that sound good. Also, books that maybe wouldn't have really captured my interest before but are highly recommended from you guys then will definitely go on my list :)

    Happy weekend!

  8. One of my favorite things about book bloggers is how much they've expanded my horizons. I used to buy much more on whims than I do now--now it's mostly based on something I read on the blogosphere.

  9. The Bookworm Says:

    I get lots of book recommendations from other bloggers too.

  10. Alice Says:

    Book bloggers play an important role in the book recommendations for me.

  11. I'm like you, Melody. It seems like most of my book choices today were influenced by other book bloggers and recommendations by friends.

  12. Melody Says:

    Iliana - My wishing list is getting longer and longer, thanks to all my bookblogging friends! :) I just wish I've the space to store those new books I bought!

    Trish - Me too! :D

    Naida - Glad we all share the same answers.

    Alice - Absolutely!!

    Wendy - I know I should stop buying so many books, but I just couldn't help myself after reading all the wonderful reviews by my bookblogging friends. :)

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