
Musing Mondays

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about reading time.

Do you have to carve out time in your day for reading (due to work and other obligations), or does your reading just happen naturally? (Question courtesy of MizB)

I have to say I spend most of my reading time during the commute. My journey from home to office takes me about an hour (and that includes a bus and a train ride) and vice versa, so overall I have at least two hours of reading time every weekdays.

When work is busy or when I want to lunch in depending on my mood, this will allow me some time for my reading. I will still read a little when I get home but that is only when I have some time to spare and that my children have gone to bed (the same goes to my weekends since most of the time will be spent on chores and my family).

So that is my routine where my reading is concerned. What about you?

17 Responses
  1. Violet Says:

    Its bad that you have to travel for 2 hrs but its great that you can get some reading time in, otherwise with 2 kids it would be really difficult.

  2. Darlyn Says:

    i think i just read whenever i can find the time.i read even when i'm angry at someone;just to forget what i'm angry for. *LOL*

  3. caite Says:

    it almost makes me wish I had a longer commute, but a 10-15 drive does not allow for reading...not to mention one can't read while driving. Except audio...
    I also wish I could concentrate on audio books...but I can't.

  4. Ana S. Says:

    That's the one advantage of a long commute! Sadly my trip to work only takes 15 minutes. Well, not "sadly", but you know :P

  5. Julia Says:

    When I'm babysitting, Sadie get an early nap (since she awake at 6am) starting around 10am. Which leave me two hours of reading. Sometime she even sleep less then 3 hours. So I get the same amount of reading then. At work with mom, there not enough times. I can only read during our lunch times, which an hour. So if am in the mood I read for an hour unless I'm chatting with mom. At home, I only read between commerical break from TV shows.

    But then again, sometime I can't read at all when I'm very busy for weeks or when the kids won't let me teehee :)

  6. Melody Says:

    Violet - Exactly! ;)

    Gautami - I always make sure to carry a book whenever I'm outdoors. :)

    Darlyn - LOL. That's good that you read whenever you try to take things off your mind. :)

    Caite - Audio books don't work for me either, and I don't know why.

    Ana - Indeed that's the only advantage of being in a long commute, LOL.

    Julia - Yes, it all depends on our schedules, isn't it?

  7. Yvonne Says:

    My commute is by car for a total of an hour a day, so that's when I get an audio book in. Like you, I try to read at lunch time and then before I go to bed.

  8. Nise' Says:

    Glad you can read during your commute! Mine is 5 mins., no time to even listen.

  9. Sandy Nawrot Says:

    When it comes to reading hard books, I have no routine. Just that I read when I can. But my audios are always running in my ears, always. I can't blog when I'm listening but other than that, this is my multi-tasking life.

  10. The Bookworm Says:

    I wish I could read while commuting, I get carsick though.
    And with the kiddies, its always hard to find some free reading time.

  11. Lynn Gardner Says:

    I used to commute by car two hours a day, so would listen to long(ish) audiobooks. I don't commute that far, anymore, and I find I miss that chunk of time.

  12. bermudaonion Says:

    Most of my reading gets done at night after dinner.

  13. Iliana Says:

    Glad you can use your commute time for some reading! I only have a 30 minute commute each way but traffic is horrible and I'd prefer to just read :)

    I try to do most of my reading at night but really I just get in reading time whenever I can.

  14. How awesome that you're able to spend your commute by reading!! I have about an hour commute as well but no trains go to where I live so I spend that hour in the car (two hours every day).

  15. Alice Says:

    Hi Melody, I find that nowadays I have so many things crammed into a day, I can't read as much as I did last time. I do try my best to fit in some (about 15 to 20 minutes daily) and during my treadmill sessions.

  16. Sometimes I wish I could commute by train or bus to work so that I could have extra time to read. :-) I am lucky if I can fit in a half hour reading time during my lunch break at work (lately, I have been working straight through my lunch). I do try to read before bed but even that doesn't always work out. Most of my reading gets done on the weekends these days.

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