Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Published: July 2010
292 pgs
Source: Personal Library
I did a joint reading with Violet of Violet Crush for this book. This is the first time I'm doing a joint reading/review with Violet and I truly enjoyed every moment of it! I definitely look forward to doing more of these with her in the near future! Without further ado, here are my questions for Violet:
1. Do you think some of the plots sound logical to you, especially on the accident and how Zoey felt thereafter? (I won’t elaborate further so as to prevent any spoilers for the readers.)
As far as the medical conditions go I do find the plot logical. I had an accident in college once and I couldn't and still cannot remember the accident and about 24 hours after that, except snippets. I had a terrible headache for days and had no idea what I was doing or thinking for 2-3 days after that. So yes, I do think it was logical.
2. How do you feel towards Zoey? I asked this because she seems like a clear-headed, independent girl to me but at times she also gave me the impression that she is confused, stubborn and insecure.
Surprisingly I was indifferent towards Zoey. I didn't like her nor did I hate her. As you said there were times when she was clear-headed and sure of herself and times when she was lets say stupid. But she just had an accident, she had some major family problems and she was a teenager. I think that should about explain most of it.
3. Do you feel any connection with the characters? And how do you feel about the relationship between Zoey, Brandon and Doug?
As I said I didn't really feel any connection to Zoey. I felt bad because she didn't have even a single friend she could trust. I liked her mother though, I wish we had gotten a little more insight into her. But then again Forget You was not about the mother. Brandon was a caricature of a school football player - popular, handsome and stupid. But he was entertaining. Zoey's relationship with Brandon? Haha, well that's something worth discussing. Didn't you just want to shake Zoey and put some sense into her?
(I totally agree with Violet here. And yes, I did want to shake Zoey at times, hehe.)
4. Following your question: Which one did you like more? Forget You or Going Too Far?
I loved Going Too Far more without a doubt. I felt the romance and the chemistry between the main characters was portrayed much better in it than in Forget You. The plot was also much better and both Meg and Cody were such lovable characters. I think what worked for Going Too Far was the simplicity of the plot. Forget You had too many things going on at one time. I felt as if the "confusion" that could have been cleared in 5 mins took unnecessary time, effort and ultimately pages. Although the writing was as awesome as ever.
5. And finally I couldn’t help asking this: Who is sexier in your opinion? Doug Fox from Forget You, or his brother, Officer Cody Fox from Going Too Far?
Cody Fox all the way. That doesn't mean Doug was not sexy. He was. But for most of Forget You Doug was in the background and we really don't get to know him for more than half of the book. Besides Cody Fox was a cop, that kind of increases the sexiness quotient, don't you think?
Now go visit Violet's blog to read my answers to her questions. For my review of Going Too Far, click here. To read Violet's review of the same book, please click here.
I had lots of fun doing this joint review, I hope we can do a lot of these in the future :)
This have been an interesting interview/reviewing! I like to know both thoughts and take in your own opinion, and throughly enjoy the Q&A :) Hope you guys do another like this soon!
You have made me curious about the Fox brothers!
My curiosity is piqued too! This is fun! Melody, I want to do the next joint review with you. Heheheee...
Cool way to do a review. I saw this book the other day and was wondering about it. Glad you had fun with this!
Great review ladies! this sounds like a good read.
Violet - Me too, Violet! We definitely have to do more of these in the near future!! :)
Julia - Hope you enjoyed reading our reviews! As I mentioned to Violet, we'll do this again next time!
Kathy - I hope you'll read these books!
Alice - I'm glad to hear your curiosity is piqued, lol. What books do you have in mind for the joint read?
Dar - I really enjoyed reading Jennifer Echol's books. She's one of my favourite YA authors!
Naida - Thanks! :)
Love the joint review. Very cool!
I want to read these - they look fun.