Once in a while, I do read action packed novels and top on my list will be Matthew Reilly. He is actually an Australian writer and his debut novel, Ice Station has actually gained international recognition and was one of the bestselling list with the New York Times.
He first began writing Contest when he was 19, while he was then attending university and studying Law. Then after when he earned himself degrees in both Arts and Law, he tried to submit it to the publishers but were rejected. Later on, he decided to publish it himself and proceeded to sell to the bookstores in Sydney.
Later on, the book was noticed by an editor of Pan Macmillan Australia and she was intrigued with it. She then signed up with him and the rest, as they say, is history.
I enjoy reading every novels by Matthew; and needless to say, his determination and his enthusiasm in writing motivate me!
Next, I will be looking forward to the mass market release of 7 Deadly Wonders. This is one of my MOST WANTED books on my list! ;-)
Whoa Melody... you have a Reilly Shrine. :D
I have enjoyed reading Ice Station very much... Thanks for introducing me to Matthew Reilly.