1) Angel with Attitude by Michelle Rowen
2) Hunting the Hunter by Shiloh Walker
3) Surf's Up by Nina Bangs, MaryJanice Davidson and Janelle Denison
4) Scent of Roses by Kat Martin
5) In the Dark by Marliss Melton
Currently I'm reading Angel with Attitude and all I can say is, this book is a fun read. Former angel, Valerie Grace was kicked out of Heaven and fell into the killer whale tank at MarineLand. She still couldn't understand what she had done to deserve this, but she was going to find the stolen key to Heaven by all means. Then came Nathaniel, a sexy Tempter Demon who intend to lure her to Hell but soon he began to show signs of loyalty and love. Valerie began to wonder if it is a bad thing to have the hots for a demon.
This book was actually recommended to me by the bookstore assistant. I was brownsing and searching for some good books when she dumped the above books (Item no. 1 - 3) into my hands and said, "These're some of the new releases. See if you're interested..." Then she wandered off and busied with her work. Bad Attitude, you would say, but because I'm one of their regular customers (since when, I can't remember!) so naturally we are more like friends than anything else.
I have heard from some of the authors you listed, but only read from Janelle Denison and Marliss Melton.
You do know, that "In the Dark" by Marliss Melton is the 2nd book part of an on going series...don'tcha? "Love Me Not" is the first book. Let me know how you like it. I read both and like it :)
Shucks! More series book, you say?! LOL. I haven't read "Forget Me Not" yet, but I did read "Time to Run" which I believe is the third book. :-P
Yes - "Time to Run" is the third book of the Navy SEALs series. But...even though you don't like series books, I think this is good to read :)