Hosted by Renay, the aim is to make a list of 10 books you like and share this on your blog, leaving a link on the comments section of the challenge site (Please click here for more details). You then pick 3 books from the other participants' lists (Click here for the Master List) and read them from May 1st - November 30th. There is also a link where you can put your reviews too after you have read them.
Here is a list of books which I like:
- My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
- Talyn by Holly Lisle
- The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
- The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
- Love Walked In by Marisa De Los Santos
- Tokyo by Mo Hayder
- The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly
- Atonement by Ian McEwan
- Red Leaves by Thomas H. Cook
- Sacred Cows by Karen E. Olson
Here are the books which I'd like to read (subject to changes as there might be new titles added to the Master List) :
- Books of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale
- American Gods by Neil Gaiman
- The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
glad you decided to join! there's so many good books to choose from, it's bound to be great fun!
I hope you enjoy American Gods if you stick with it, it was the first book I finished this year and I loved it. Cool list you have there. I am looking forward to reading My Sisters Keeper and The Book of Lost Things this year.
So far I've managed to say "no" to this challenge...though I really should just join. There's so many books I'm dying to read from everyone's lists anyway. Geez, I could pick three books from your list alone!
Glad you chose American Gods...it is soooooo good!
Valentina - I just couldn't resist the temptation of joining this challenge!! ;) Sounds fun!
Rhinoa - I've heard a lot of good things about American Gods so I'm sure it'd be a good read. Can't wait to hear what you'll think of the two books...
Debi - I'm a little suprised that you didn't join this, come on... do join in the fun! ;P
How fun! I liked The Kite Runner alot too and I see Tokyo is on your list as well. I looked for it on Amazon but it appears to be out of print. I will have to get it from an alternate seller. The Thirteenth Tale has been on my TBR shelf for months. I'll read it if you will!
This challenge is so tempting but I'm going to have to pass up on it. I'm barely keeping up with my other challenges! Anyway, have fun with it! I'll be curious to hear what you think of The Thirteenth Tale. I found it enjoyable.
Jaimie - You may wish to check out The Devil of Nanking. They're actually the same book! I'll let you know if I'm reading The Thirteenth Tale. ;)
Iliana - I couldn't keep up with my other challenges too, but this looks too good to pass! I'm sure The Thirteenth Tale will be another great since I've heard a lot of good reviews about it.
I have the Thirteenth Tale on my shelf to read to. perhaps I ought to take up the challenge.
Alison, I hope you'll join! :)
My ten recommendations included My Sister's Keeper and the Book of Lost Things too! Great minds think alike hey ;)
Mrs S, thanks for visiting! Glad to hear we share the same thoughts. Do drop by often. :)
What a great list of favorites, Melody! I recently found a copy of Loved Walked In and am looking forward to reading it. Red Leaves is another I really want to read. I'm glad to see they are among your favorites. :-)
I just know you are going to love The Thirteenth Tale, Melody!
Wendy, I'm sure you'll enjoy the two books. I can't wait to hear what you'll think of them! :)
I loved the Book of Lost Things! I picked it up off a pile of proof copies one day at work, because from the cover I thought it was a children's book, the section that I ran. I could not have been more wrong! But I loved the Alice in Wonderland style, along with some of the terrifying obstacles in David's way! And the Crooked Man!! Creepy stuff!
Mariel, I loved The Book of Lost Things, everything about it is so magical!
Hi Melody! Just wanted to drop by and let you know that I chose one of your recommendations - "Atonement" - for my Herding Cats challenge. I've been wanting to read the book and see the movie, although I've heard the book is better (isn't that usually the case?).
Oh, and I've added you to my blogroll as well. Happy Reading!
Hi Susie! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)
I enjoyed reading Antonement, and I LOVE the movie! And of course, the books are always better than the movies version, hehe.
Thanks for adding my blog to your blogroll. I'll add yours to mind too. :D
Hope you've a great day today!