ISBN-13: 9780316032148
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Published: August 2008
Series: Twilight Saga Series, #4
First sentence: I'd had more than my fair share of near-death experiences; it wasn't something you ever really got used to.
This is the final instalment of the Twilight Saga series. Like other readers and/or Twilight fans, I was excited to get hold of this book during the release but yet in a way I felt sorry that this series is finally coming to an end.
The first chapter began right after Eclipse had left, where Bella agrees to be Edward's bride and she is eagerly awaiting for the big day to arrive. Excitement aside, she is still feeling sorry and worried for Jacob, her werewolf best friend since she had not heard from him after he knew about her decision of marrying Edward. Besides this, she is also worried about her father, Charlie, and how the overall immortality transformation will affect everything since she is not allowed to discuss this issue with just anyone.
There are lots of emotions and stuff going on in this instalment. I have no idea how to share my thoughts without revealing a few spoilers so please stop reading further if you do not want the surprise to be ruined.
*** Contains Spoilers ***
The first part of the book covers mostly on Bella and Edward's wedding and honeymoon, but it is her pregnancy condition that is the main focus and this is where it gets really interesting.
Here we see Edward being anxious for Bella because the fetus is growing tremendously inside her womb. Though worried for herself and the baby, Bella is however feeling fiercely protective of her baby. I also read with great interest about Rosalie being supportive and protective of Bella, after all it is not like they are the best of friends initially. And frankly speaking, I have no idea that Bella would get pregnant in this story. It is the least I expected and although I was a little taken aback, I was not completely unhappy about it. After all, it is a natural outcome since Bella and Edward consumated their marriage. I suppose it is due to their age that made some readers skeptical about this whole pregnancy issue.
I was glad Jacob decided to return and accepted the fact that Bella was meant to be together with Edward. I could feel his anguish when he learnt about Bella's difficult pregnancy and then, there is another issue about him imprinting on Bella's baby. In a way, I had expected this to come. He and Bella are best buddies, and naturally he loves Renesmee because she is part of Bella. Honestly, I do not know how to react to this because it seems there is no right or wrong with it. I was however perplexed and unconvinced over Bella's power after her transformation because it seems too easy for a newborn in her. I read about the instability of newborn vampires in Eclipse and I was anticipating that to happen to Bella after her transformation but unfortunately it did not happen. Bella acted as if nothing has changed in her, except she had greater power now.
The relationship between the vampires (at least where the Cullens family are concerned) and the werewolves clan have improved after Jacob and his pack decided that Renesmee posed no threat and that they are to unite together to prepare a battle with the Volturi. Alice's and Jasper's departure after knowing about this confrontation was a surprise to me because it was just not their style to turn back on the family and I have to applaud Stephenie Meyer for building this tension. The part where the Cullens family in search of other vampires as witnesses was an interesting read too. I had anticipated the climax to build when they finally met the Volturi but sadly, nothing major happened (here I am referring about the battling scenes). Like Bella's transformation, nothing much happened and everything seemed too easy in my opinion.
*** End Spoilers ***
I did enjoy this instalment. It is darker as compared to the previous three instalments. And I think this story suits more to adult readers than the younger readers due to some scenes. I could not say I loved it or hated it. Stephenie Meyer is a great storyteller, but I felt it would be better if she would explain more in certain scenes. I wanted to read more conflicts instead of having some things easily laid out. That said, it did not take away my reading pleasure because it is an entertaining story. I am looking forward to reading Midnight Sun which this will be told from Edward's perspective on Twilight.
Other Bloggers' reviews:
Becky's Book Reviews
Book Binge
Hello, My Name Is Alice
Maw Books Blog
Rhinoa's Ramblings
Stephanie's Written Word
Where Troubles Melt Like Lemon Drops
Hi Melody, what a coincidence! I've posted my review too. :)
I have enjoyed Breaking Dawn tremendously. Having said that, Twilight is still my favourite. :)
Hey Alice! I'm glad you've finished reading the book as well. Will read and link up your review to mine in a moment. ;)
Like you, Twilight still remains my favourite amongst all!
Great review! I can't wait to read this series!
Thanks, Jaimie! I'm hoping you'll read this series soon. They're so intense and exciting. :)
Happy you are enjoying these Twilight sega, Melody! It always fun to see what books excited the readers. Great review! Now..heading over to read Alice reivew teehehe :)
I really enjoyed this series, Julia! They're fun to read. :) I'm definitely looking forward to reading more Stephenie Meyer's books in future.
I have heard both positive and negative views of this particular book. The people who didn't like it are quite vocal, but I know just as many, if not more, enjoyed it. I enjoyed reading your review, Melody!
I agree that it was definitely darker and more suited to adult readers than the previous three in the series. I am glad you enjoyed it for the most part.
Wendy - I really enjoyed reading this series. I'm hoping Stephenie Meyer will write more of these exciting series in the near future! :)
Rhinoa - I find the dark element in this instalment appropriate to the story. Sometimes, I think we need some of it to make the stories more real and exciting. ;)