
7 Responses
  1. What a fun display! Thank you for sharing the photo, Melody!

    This time of year, I enjoy my drive home from work in the dark with all the holiday lights and decorations people put on the outside of their homes.

  2. Alice Says:

    That's a nice photo, Melody! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Melody Says:

    Wendy - I wish we had stayed longer so we could shoot the night scene...*sigh* Maybe next year! LOL.

    Nymeth - My daughter thought it looks like ice-cream! :P

    Alice - Thanks! Actually it was the hubs who took the pics, hehe.

  4. Julia Says:

    Love the sight of Christmas in the air! Love the photos!

  5. Melody Says:

    Thanks, Julia! :D

  6. Darlene Says:

    Wow, what an awesome picture! So festive.

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