
Mailbox Monday is hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page (click onto the link to find out what other readers received in their mailbox.)

These are what I received in my mailbox last week:

1) The Accidental Bestseller by Wendy Wax (Reviewer's Copy)

2) Bloody Good by Georgia Evans (Reviewer's Copy)

3) Pieces of Me by Charlotte Gingras (Thanks, Iliana!)

So what books came into your house last week?

15 Responses
  1. Sandy Nawrot Says:

    I won five giveaway books a couple of weeks ago, so they are starting to come in. I don't know what was going on...guess I should have played the lottery!

  2. Blodeuedd Says:

    The Georgia Evans book sounds fun :)
    Happy reading

  3. bermudaonion Says:

    The Accidental Bestseller sounds like a good one. Enjoy!

  4. Kristen Says:

    Ooo. The Accidental Bestseller sounds juicy! Enjoy all your books.

    My mailbox is here:

  5. Looks like fun reading, Melody.:-)

  6. Ana S. Says:

    Pieces of Me sounds so good! I've had my eye on it since Iliana's review. And Bloody Good has the cutest cover.

  7. Julia Says:

    I hope you enjoy all your books, Melody! I didn't buy any books last weekend, but I hope to change that this weekend coming ;)

  8. Beth F Says:

    All three look interesting. Can't wait for the reviews!

  9. Looks like a nice mix of books. Enjoy!

  10. Sandra Says:

    These titles are all new to me. I look forward to your thoughts about them. Enjoy.

  11. Serena Says:

    I have bloody good for review as well. Enjoy the books

  12. Alice Says:

    Great stuff, Melody! Enjoy them :D

  13. Iliana Says:

    I'm so tempted by that Bloody Good book - it's that cover. There's just something about it that really works for me.

    So glad you got the book and hope you really enjoy it! :)

  14. Melody Says:

    Hi, everyone! Thanks for your comments! These books sure look good, don't they? :) I can't wait to read them soon!

    And yes, I love the cover of Bloody Good too! :)

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