
Musing Mondays

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about re-reading…

Have you ever finished a book, then turned around and immediately re-read it? Why? What book(s)? (question courtesy of MizB)

I have to say, I rarely re-read a book because I have too many books to catch up on than to re-read a book I have just read. Don't get me wrong, that does not mean I don't like the idea of re-reading a book, I do. It is just that I will not re-read it immediately. Most of the times, I will wait for a while (it can be months, or even years) before I will re-read a book. Other times, it is simply because I have forgotten about a book I had read for a long time and I want to re-read it to refresh my memory on it.

What about you? Do you re-read a book immediately, and why is it so?

14 Responses
  1. I would love to go back and reread some of my favorites, but, like you, I have so many new-to-me books that I want to read that I do not often take the time to reread a book.

  2. Bluestocking Says:

    I re-read frequently. My post is up! Oh tomorrow is my blogaversary. I have a raffle going.

  3. Jeane Says:

    I re-read plenty of books, but I've never done so immediately after finishing one.

  4. Melody Says:

    Wendy - Because time is precious, when I choose to re-read a book it is either I've forgotten the story, or if it's one of my favourites. Otherwise, I guess I'd rather use that time on books which I haven't read. ;)

    Bluestocking - Happy Blogaversary! Thanks for telling us about your raffle. :)

    Jeane - I suppose one has to love a book very much to re-read after finishing it.

  5. Sandy Nawrot Says:

    I'm the same way...too many books, not enough hours in the day. There have been a couple of books I am tempted to re-read because I liked them so much (and I wasn't blogging then), but have yet to do it!

  6. Nise' Says:

    My habit is much like yours, I will re-read but usually a year goes by.

  7. Re-reading after a lot of time has pased is ok by me. Otherwise, no!

    Doing an about turn

  8. Alice Says:

    I do re-read some books, but most of the time I only re-read the parts I like or want to revisit. :D

  9. Ana S. Says:

    I like re-reading, but with my dear fellow bloggers constantly adding to my tbr pile, I haven't done it in a while. There are books I know I'll return to, though.

  10. The Bookworm Says:

    I have a few books that I re-read, but not immediately after finishing them. Like Pride & Prejudice, I think I've read that one about 4 times so far.

  11. Melody Says:

    Sandy - I haven't been re-reading a book for a long, long time! Maybe I'll re-read one of my favourites provided if I've made a dent in my pile but I think that's unlikely, LOL.

    Nise' - Indeed! Part of the reason is I may have forgotten some of the stories. :P

    Gautami - I'm glad we share the same sentiments!

    Alice - I've never thought of re-reading the parts I like, but I think that's a great idea! :)

    Nymeth - Exactly! I keep adding the books to my pile (thanks to you all! :D) that I feel I should read more of them than re-reading the old ones. ;P

    Naida - P&P is surely at the top of my priority if I want to re-read a book! :)

  12. Julia Says:

    I love to do re-read from my favorite books! I do it all the times, but it does take a long while for me to do a re-read though. My moods have to be right and if I'm re-reading it to get refresh memory of previous books before the next installments in the series to come out.

  13. I'm like you--don't often re-read. But occasionally I will and I do have a whole shelf of books that I'd like to re-read some day. I might try to squeeze in Wuthering Heights this year. :)

  14. Melody Says:

    Julia - Ah, I think it's good to re-read books especially when the next installment is out and that I've forgotten much of the premises of the previous installments, but still I rarely do that because honestly, I feel I've too many books to catch up on! :P

    Trish - I still haven't read Wuthering Heights! I'm hoping to squeeze this one in for the Classics Challenge! ;)

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