
Teaser Tuesdays

TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to:

  • Grab your current read.
  • Let the book fall open to a random page.
  • Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
  • You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
  • Please avoid spoilers!
Here's my teaser for today:

When Caffery arrived at the mortuary the remains of Lucy Mahoney were already on the central table, the lights powering down on her, the huge fans in the floor and ceiling roaring, sucking air in from the outside and drawing away the foul smell. The brown-smeared sheet she'd been wrapped in lay open on another table.

(Pg 58, Skin by Mo Hayder)

13 Responses
  1. Oooo! I love Mo Hayder! She doesn't hold back, does she?

  2. Julia Says:

    Great teaser! Enjoy your book :)

  3. Anonymous Says:

    awesome teaser. The cover is sooo good.

  4. Melody Says:

    Wendy - She's one of my favourite crime thrillers writer! I hope this book will be as good as the rest!

    Julia - I'm enjoying it so far, it's very intense (as always)!;)

    Violet - The cover is great, isn't it? So dark and creepy.

  5. A great crime teaser! I haven't read anything by Mo Hayder before.

    Here's my teaser

  6. I am yet to check out this author!

    Here is my post

  7. Alice Says:

    Hi Melody, I know Mo Hayder is one of your favourite authors! That's a great teaser. I have some of her books in my TBR...

  8. Darlene Says:

    Woo hoo-love that teaser and the cover of the book! My teaser is HERE

  9. Ladytink_534 Says:

    I don't know if it's because of the cover of the feeling of the quote but it sounds like they're in a crematorium? Creepy...

  10. Melody Says:

    Claire - I haven't been reading much crime thrillers lately but Mo Hayder is one of my favourite authors!

    Beth - Indeed.

    Ladybug - I hope you'll give this author a try. Her novels are so great and thrilling!

    Gautami - Go check out this author quickly if you can!

    Alice - You're right! :D I hope you'll read one of her books soon!

    Dar - The cover sure looks a little scary, isn't it?

    Jen - It's mortuary actually, and yes it's very creepy!

  11. Melody: Can you recommend me a Mo Hayder book? It's hard to know which to choose first :)

  12. Melody Says:

    Ladybug - Sure I can, with pleasure! :D I always recommend Tokyo (aka The Devil of Nanking because that's my favourite book by Mo Hayder thus far! That's a stand-alone book so you don't feel you'd miss anything unlike her Jack Caffery series. ;)

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