Berlin, Germany

13 Responses
  1. Sandy Nawrot Says:

    Did you live in Germany? You have so many pictures from there! This one is beautiful, but maybe a little spooky!

  2. JessicaLeigh Says:

    Beautiful picture! The shadows are so interesting.

  3. Debi Says:

    Ooooh, I love this one, Melody!

  4. Darlene Says:

    Melody, this picture is amazing.

  5. Melody Says:

    Sandy - I wish I had visited Germany!!! My husband took all of them when he went on a job training a few years back. He's been there twice, and I'm so envious!

    I agree this one does look a little spooky!

    Jessica - I like the shadows. They really add on to the spooky ambience, isn't it?

    Debi - Glad you like it, Debi! :)

    Dar - I wish I've the chance to visit these buildings. They look ancient but oh so beautiful!

  6. Kim L Says:

    Don't these pics make you want to visit Germany yourself? I know it makes me want to visit!

  7. Melody Says:

    Kim - Trust me, they do!! LOL.

  8. Julia Says:

    WOW that look HUGE and tall ;) It a beautiful!

  9. Alice Says:

    Nice one, Melody! :D

  10. Melody Says:

    Julia - It sure is! :D

    Alice - Thanks! :)

  11. Beth F Says:

    I love the arches and braces. Nice photo. And you husband is sooo lucky to have had a chance to travel.

  12. S. Krishna Says:

    Gorgeous! I love night pictures.

  13. Melody Says:

    Beth - You know, if my husband has a chance to visit Germany the next time, I'll make sure to go along with him! ;)

    Swapna - I love night pictures too. :)

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