
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how much do you like your own handwriting?

I'm quite satisfied with my handwriting, so I'd say a 7. To me, what most important is it has to be legible.

Do you prefer baths or showers?
Anything goes as long as I am cleansed.

What was the last bad movie you watched?
I can't remember which bad movie I had watched because I have a short memory, and I haven't been to a cinema for some time.

Main Course
Name something you are addicted to and describe how it affects your life.
Reading, that goes without saying. I don't think it affects my life greatly except that it burns a hole to my wallet and that I need more storage space to keep those pile of books (and not to mention getting new ones as well)!

Which instrument is your favorite to listen to?

Saxophone. I love listening to Kenny G's music. So soothing... it calms my mind and makes me relax.

19 Responses
  1. Mariposa Says:

    How could I miss saxophone..arghh! Love that too! Happy FF!

  2. Kim L Says:

    Book reading is a great obsession to have! Much better than a TV obsession. I find my reading obsession leaves me without much time at all to watch TV, so there are great side effects!

  3. maiylah Says:

    I love listening to Kenny G, too! :)
    happy friday!

  4. Melody Says:

    Mariposa - Saxophone is one of my favourite instruments to listen to, besides piano that is. :)

    Kim - Indeed it's a hard obsession to ditch! And I'd read than watch TV anytime, hehe...

    Maiylah - I don't think I'll get tired of his music. :)

  5. Julia Says:

    Kenny G is good, although I prefer Chris Botti! He so gooooood :) But than my favorite instruments would be the piano or violin

    And you already know that I'm addicted to both reading and watching TV, so it goes both way for me :)

    Great Friday Feast, have a good weekend ahead :)

  6. Marsha Says:

    Terrific feast. I hope you'll stop by mine if you get a chance!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Melody Says:

    Julia - Piano or violin is equally great too! Hope you've a great weekend too.

    Marsha - Thanks for visiting. You too have a great weekend. :)

  8. Ingrid Says:

    Saxophone is a nice instrument too ! Especially in Jazz !

  9. Becky Says:

    see I forgot about the piles of books I have around here..I'm spring cleaning and keep finding books I've hidden from my hubs that I bought oops..

    Happy Feasting.

  10. Melody Says:

    Gattina - Yes, I like Jazz too.

    Backy - I hate spring cleaning... and sometimes I find clearing books from store can be quite tedious too. ;)

  11. mari Says:

    i like to have a taste of your dessert. Kenny G's music is so relaxing :)

  12. Anonymous Says:

    My Dad loves Kenny G! Nice feast! Happy FF! Mine is HERE:)

  13. Reading is such a great addiction to have! Keeps your brain young. Keep it up!

    Love the sax too!

  14. Jane Says:

    Reading is my addiction too. I can't think of a more positive one to have!

  15. Unknown Says:

    Great feast.

    We've had the same bookproblem, but we now try to use the library as much as possible.
    And when we buy detectives or so, they're going to the old peoples home. They love them.

    My friday's feast is ready for you at:

    Laane on the World

    Have a great weekend!

  16. Alice Says:

    Definitely reading, Melody! Hahaha. I love jazz and I'm with Julia. Chris Botti is really good although Kenny G is good too. I prefer shower...

  17. Melody Says:

    Mari - By all means. Help yourself with the dessert. ;)

    Yen - I can understand why most people like his music... because they're so soothing. :)

    Mamichelle - I love what you said about reading keeping our brains young. I find it so true...

    Jaimie - Yeah, it's an addiction hard to ditch, hehe...

    Laane - Libraries is a good choice, but sadly I rarely visit them nowadays because I don't think I'll return those books on time. ;)

    Alice - Ah...another Chris Botti's fan. I've to listen more to his music now, hehe...

  18. Kathy Says:

    good morning, Melody! Just read the latest two book reviews (Thigh High & Sacred Cows)...they both sound pretty good! I'll have to visit the local library and see if they have copies.
    I'm getting through Metro Girl at a faster pace than I thought! I've never read an Evanovich novel before, and this one's good!
    Hope you had a good weekend!

  19. Melody Says:

    Hey Kathy!
    Great, I can't wait to hear your thoughts. I've never read anything by Evanovich either, and I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Hope you've a great weekend! :)

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