ISBN-13: 9780307346384
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
Pub. Date: September 2007
Angel Robinson loves to read. To make it better, she works as a manager at Blue Moon bookstore and she is good friends with the bookseller Elise Miller. Unfortunately, things doesn't turn out well for her for long as Elise decides to end her business and that means she has to find a job quickly. Her aspiring writer boyfriend, Malcolm, wants her to try out at a successful literary agency as an administrative assistant but she is not too keen initially, because she thinks the title is just a glorified term for slave but in the end she thinks there is no harm in trying and so this begins her job in the publishing industry, working with the well-known literary agent Lucy Fiamma.
Soon she finds working in the bookstore is so much different from working in a busy literary agency but she is fascinated with the work and the drive behind it. She begins to neglect her personal life and her relationship with Malcolm, not that she could help it. Her main responsibility is to read through manuscripts sent in by writers and to find if they are worth reading before she pass them on to Lucy, who will then make a decision whether or not to sell them to the publishers.
Then, Angel receives an email from an anonymous writer containing an intriguing chapter and this sparks her curiosity because not only the plot is good enough to keep her reading, but she is also wondering why the writer is behaving mysteriously. She brushes it aside, thinking that this is perhaps a tactic to keep her reading but as the emails keep on coming, she begins to panic as the mysterious novel, titled Blind Submission seems to be telling her story and she no longer trust anyone around her. There is her coworker, Anna who thinks she is her rivalry at work; her boss' assistant Craig who doesn't appear to like her and then, there is Malcolm whom she thinks he might be jealous of her 'relationship' with Damiano Vero, the Italian writer who has just sold his manuscript through her good judgement. Someone seems to be watching her and know what she is doing; and she fears that whoever it is out there is plotting against her.
Then, Angel receives an email from an anonymous writer containing an intriguing chapter and this sparks her curiosity because not only the plot is good enough to keep her reading, but she is also wondering why the writer is behaving mysteriously. She brushes it aside, thinking that this is perhaps a tactic to keep her reading but as the emails keep on coming, she begins to panic as the mysterious novel, titled Blind Submission seems to be telling her story and she no longer trust anyone around her. There is her coworker, Anna who thinks she is her rivalry at work; her boss' assistant Craig who doesn't appear to like her and then, there is Malcolm whom she thinks he might be jealous of her 'relationship' with Damiano Vero, the Italian writer who has just sold his manuscript through her good judgement. Someone seems to be watching her and know what she is doing; and she fears that whoever it is out there is plotting against her.
Finally, when she reads the novel's plot has turned to murder, she decides she has to find out the real identity of the mysterious writer before she becomes the 'real victim' of this writer's story.
Blind Submission is an excellent read and one that I enjoyed it thoroughly. Debra Ginsberg has cleverly crafted a story within another 'story' for the suspense which I find it very original and refreshing. Like Angel Robinson in this novel, I was curious to find out the mysterious writer and the reason for him/her of doing so. Lucy Fiamma is not really a likeable character, although I admire her drive and her great ambition, I find her arrogant and too controlling at times. I liked Elise Miller though, the bookseller of Blue Moon because she seems like a good friend and a wonderful boss to work with. And the best part of reading this book is, I learn a little about the publishing industry, the relationship amongst the writer, the literary agent and the publisher, and lastly how manuscripts are being discovered and published. A page-turner with a twist and an entertaining book about books, I highly recommend this to all booklovers. Without saying, it is a keeper and will be shortlisted to my Book of the Year list. I am definitely looking forward to reading Debra Ginsberg's forthcoming novel, The Grift, to be released in August.
Hi Melody, this one sounds good. Thanks for the review.
Always my pleasure, Alice. :)
I love how you make me interested in books I probably wouldn't glance at twice if I saw them at the bookshop. This sounds very good indeed!
This sounds like a great story and you obviously enjoyed it very much. I will have to check it out. My wishlist just keeps growing!
Glad you liked it! It's so much fun to read a review and say to yourself "yes, that's exactly how I felt!"
This sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for the great review! I don't normally read this type of book, but you made it sound very intriguing.
I love the cover! I am glad the book lived up to the reputation the cover set for it. LOL I'll have to watch for this one. Thanks for the great review, Melody.
Nymeth - I'm so glad to hear that! I'm hoping you'll pick up this book if you've the chance because I really love this one!
Jaimie - I really do!! This is one of those books that I don't mind re-reading over again and again...
Stephanie - I'm glad we share the same thoughts.
Kim - Thanks! I'm hoping you'll pick this up too.
Wendy - I love the cover too! It's always a bonus to read a great book with a beautiful cover, isn't it?
I hope everyone has a great weekend. :D
What a great review Melody. I really thought this was 'just another chick lit' book... I know that sounds terrible. I will definitely be looking for this one!
Thanks, Iliana! Initially I thought the same thing too, but I was in for a great surprise! I'm hoping you'll enjoy this too. :)
I know you have told me how excited you are with this book. Sound like it'll be a good read :)
Julia, I love this book! I'm hoping you'll read this too!