Suggested by Marsha:
Buy a Friend a Book Week is October 1-7 (as well as the first weeks of January, April, and July). During this week, you’re encouraged to buy a friend a book for no good reason. Not for their birthday, not because it’s a holiday, not to cheer them up–just because it’s a book.
What book would you choose to give to a friend and why?
And, if you’re feeling generous enough–head on over to Amazon and actually send one on its way!
Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the comments—or if you prefer, leave your answers in the comments themselves!
I love this week's topic. Well, I can't possibly give a certain book to anyone because everyone have their own reading preferences. If I know that person well, I will give the book according to the genre he/she likes. And of course, another easiest way is getting a book voucher so they can buy whatever they prefer.
In honor of this meme and as well as Buy A Friend A Book Week, I will give out a few books to some lucky readers but since I'm currently at work, I'm not able to list out the titles as I need to check them at home. I will post the list next week (probably Monday), so stay tuned if you are interested in the draw!
OHHHH A drawing! Does this mean we make comment on your blog and than you pick the people as randsom?
Agree with what you said to your answer to this questions! Hope you have a good weekend ahead :)
Hi Julia! Yes, you're right. I'll post a list next week and all you need to do is to leave a comment and tell me which book you'd like to win. Names will be drawn randomly. :)
Hi Melody! Glad that we're sharing the same answer. LOL.
I'll be posting my list of book giveaway on Oct 1 (the first day). Hehe... Stay tuned!
Hey Alice, that shows great minds think alike, muhahahaha...
Great! I'll be checking out your list of book giveaway then! :D
I too think in similar lines. I buy books for my friends according to their tastes.
Hi Gautami! Thanks for visiting! :)
Don't you LOVE BAFABW? It's such a great excuse to give books to people.
Thanks for visiting yesterday, and happy BTT!
I just love BAFAB week! I haven't been given a book yet, but I love to give gifts and I just love the whole concept of celebrating books and the people you love four times a year. :)
Free books! Yea! I hope you had a fantastic vacation. Welcome back.
Hi Marianne! Oh yes, it feels so good to share...especially when books are concerned! LOL.
Hi Dewey! I'm new to BAFABW...and it's such a wonderful concept! I'll be looking forward for more.
Hi Kristy, thanks! The vacation was great, we enjoyed ourselves very much! I hope you'll participate in the draw. ;)