I was tagged by Alice to do this fun meme.

I love fruits! I have several pictures of various fruits saved in my hard drive just for my desktop wallpaper. A few coworkers commented they like looking at my wallpapers because the pictures makes them go hungry, hehe.

Here's how you play:

(A) Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop. It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. You can do a screen capture by going to your desktop and pressing the Print Scrn key (located on the right side of the F12 key). Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V). If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it.

(B) Post the picture in your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop just below it if you want. You can explain why you preferred such look or why is it full of icons. Things like that.

(C) Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktop as well.

(D) Add your name to this list of Free Viewers with a link pointing directly to your Desktop Free View post to promote it to succeeding participants.

I'm tagging:

  1. Jennifer - Just My Life
  2. Wendy - Musings of a Bookish Kitty
  3. Debi - Nothing of Importance
  4. Kathy - *RittyRats*
  5. Library Girl - Musings of Library Girl
List of Free Viewers:

iRonnie - I Set No Corner
Thess - Thesserie
Rebecca - Skippy Heart
Knoizki - A Dialogue With K
Beng - Kauderwelch
Tina - My Good Finds
Rachel - Heart of Rachel
Alice - Hello, My Name Is Alice
Julia - Julia's Books Corner
Melody - Melody's Reading Corner

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7 Responses
  1. Jennifer Says:

    So you tagged me . . . I can't do this until I get home (October 11) because I am computerless until then . . . currently using the cell to answer, lol!!! But I will do so when I get home, I promise!!!

    The fruit looks yummy!!! I just had some grapes . . .

  2. Julia Says:

    Great desktop, Melody! The grape sure does make me hungry hehehee...

    I believe you suppose to add my link to "The list of Free Viewers", hehehe. Thanks for visiting my blog always :)

  3. Ingrid Says:

    I would rather eat your desktop, lol ! I published mine today too.

  4. Melody Says:

    No worries, Jen! I understand. :D

    Thanks, Julia! I've added your link onto my post, thanks for telling me. :)

    Hi Gattina! Thanks for visiting! I'll visit your blog after posting this. ;)

  5. Alice Says:

    Thanks for playing, Melody! Your desktop makes me HUNGRY!!

  6. Debi Says:

    Your desktop gave me the biggest smile! It reminded my of my son Gray. In kindergarten, he had to pick something he was grateful for and write a sentence...he wrote, "I am thankful for fruit because I love fruit." Just cracked us up!

    Anyway, I wish I could play, but I can't figure out how to do it (I don't have a graphics program, and am a total computer idiot). Sorry!

  7. Melody Says:

    Hi Alice! That was fun. LOL.

    Hey Debi! I'm glad to hear my desktop wallpaper gave you wonderful memories, hehe. I love hearing kids' remarks because they always said the most creative things. :P

    No worries about not being able to play though... hope you have a great day today!

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