Friday's Feast

Name a great website you would recommend to others.
One is definitely not enough. I would recommend B&N, Amazon and a few book blogs you see at the right side of my blog. ;)

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how often do you dream at night?
Probably a 3. I don't often dream, and most of the times I don't recall the details unless they are real shocking or frightening.

Did you have a pet as a child? If so, what kind and what was its name?
I kept some pets during my primary school days (a chick, tortoises, hamsters etc). I didn't name any of them though.

Main Course
If you had the chance to star in a commercial, what would you choose to advertise?
Anything to do with food! Haha.

What is your favorite kind of hard candy?
Ricola candies. And the best thing is they comes in several flavours.
16 Responses
  1. Pea in a Pod Says:

    Nice feast here! Of course,Amazon:)

    Mine is up here;
    Friday's Feast
    Happy FF!

  2. Ingrid Says:

    Starring with a big, fat Hamburger in your mouth? lol !

  3. maiylah Says:

    love amazon, too! :)
    wonderful feast!
    enjoy your friday

    My Friday's Feast post

  4. Julia Says:

    Amazon and B&N are the bookstore I love to visit too :)

    Happy Friday Feast! And I hope you have a good weekend ahead :)

  5. Irene Says:

    Great appetizer. Thank you for the feast!

  6. Debi Says:

    "Anything to do with food!"...I'm with you there!

  7. Linda Says:

    What would we do without Amazon? Yummy dessert!!! Have a great weekend.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    I share the likeness of your main course--LOL. Have a pleasant Friday.

  9. Jodi Says:

    Great feast! Have a wonderful Friday!

    My Life as Mama Jodi

  10. ley Says:

    Ricola candies? I thought they just did cough medicine! (Or am I thinking of something else...?)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Sandee Says:

    What Ley said. I didn't know Ricola had candy. Fun feast. Have a great FF and weekend. :)

  12. bonggamom Says:

    Amazon, that's a great one! It should be on the top of everyone's list :)

  13. ellen b. Says:

    We have some similarities in our feasts. have a great Friday!

  14. Anonymous Says:

    Awful how the "traumatizing" dreams are the ones that stick with us. Eeeek!

    Thank you for stopping by to dine with me as well..please come again soon! *smiles*

  15. Darla Says:

    *sigh* I spend WAY too much (both time and money) on B&N. I should buy stock. :)

    I've tagged you... again:

  16. Alice Says:

    Great feast, Melody.

    I am doing up mine later :)

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